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how to XY plot a list of complex numbers?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg23212] how to XY plot a list of complex numbers?
  • From: intheway-piovere at (rob)
  • Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 01:12:19 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: (using!)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

f is a list of complex numbers (a fourier transform of a time series).
All seems OK because I can plot both components:

ListPlot[Re[f], PlotRange -> All, PlotJoined -> True]
ListPlot[Im[f], PlotRange -> All, PlotJoined -> True]

And they look fine.

What I really want to do is plot the real vs. imag. components (I
should see a loop at each resonance.).  The only candidate I have
scraped up so far is the following which does indeed make a 2D graph:

z = Table[{Re[f[[i]]], Im[f[[i]]]}, {i, 512}];
ListPlot[z, PlotJoined -> True]

But, this is clearly not the plot I'm after.  Besides the shape not
making any sense, the ranges of the two variables aren't close to that
seen in the first two plots above.  I'm plotting something but it
isn't Re[f] vs Im[f].

I have done some looking and trying but I'm getting nowhere. Can
someone help me (again)?

Regards, Rob

Please use robpeterson at for email.
<AHREF="";>(added for the AOL-challenged)

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