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Re: opening files

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg24975] Re: [mg24955] opening files
  • From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 08:27:33 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

That opening the file with MS Word and resaving produces a file readable by 
Mathematica indicates to me that the data in the file are fine, which 
probably means that there's something messed up with the creator type of 
the Mathematica files.  I can think of two ways to try to solve this...

1) Try to get PC Exchange to work.  You don't say exactly what you tried, 
so I'll throw some suggestions your way.  Specifically, you should be 
mapping the '.nb' extension to the Mathematica binary....
         Creator: OMEG
         Type: TEXT
and the data format can be either Plain Text or Binary (if one doesn't 
work, try the other...plain text is slightly preferable, though).

2) Open the file from Mathematica using the Open Special... menu command in 
the File menu.  When the dialog comes up, make sure that you have "Ignore 
File Outline Cache" selected in the first drop-down, and the "List all file 
types" radio button selected.  Once the file is opened, you should then be 
able to resave it, and then open it up using any normal means 
(File->Open..., drag and drop, double-clicking, etc.).


John Fultz
jfultz at
User Interface Group
Wolfram Research, Inc.

At 12:02 AM 8/25/2000 -0400, Tom De Vries wrote:
>I sent a question a little while back but didn't make myself really clear.
>I am using a Mac and am getting Mathematica files from students, sent to me
>via email.  Most students are using PC's  (and I am using a Mac)  I have
>tried tweaking some things in the PC Exchange Control Panel and Easy Open
>Control Panel but I find that these files can't be opened (directly) by
>Mathematica when I get them.  I CAN open them with Microsoft Word, then save
>them as a text file, and then open them with Mathematica, but I must somehow
>be able to get these files to work directly when I receive them?  Is there
>something I need to do on my computer to have Mathematica recognize these
>files as Mathematica files, or do the students with PC's need to do
>something different?
>Thanks for any help you might provide.
>Tom De Vries

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