Re: Question: nonlinear differential equation with boundary conditions
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg26466] Re: Question: nonlinear differential equation with boundary conditions
- From: "Kevin J. McCann" <Kevin.McCann at>
- Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 22:46:49 -0500 (EST)
- Organization: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD, USA
- References: <91pjgd$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
If you would send me the actual DE, I could attempt a shooting method, or I could send you a notebook on solutions to some quantum wavefunctions with 2-point boundary conditions. Kevin Kevin J. McCann Johns Hopkins University APL Johns Hopkins Road Laurel MD 20723 Ronald Sastrawan <sastra at> wrote in message news:91pjgd$5vc at > Hello! > Sorry, in my last post there was a mistake in my equation. > (There should be a y^2 in the equation). The real question was: > > I encountered a problem, trying to numerically solve a differential > equation. > My equation looks like: > > A y''[x] - B (y[x])^2 + C Exp[-Dx] == 0 > with boundary conditions: y'[0]==0 , y'[E]==0 > > All constants A to E are known. > > Mathematica complains, that the equation is not linear. But in the > online documentation I saw many examples of nonlinear differential > equations, which all work fine. What is the difference between the > examples and my equation ? And is there a possibility to NDSolve my > equation ? > > Any hint on this would be of great help to me. > > Thanks a lot, > > Ronald > > -- > Ronald Sastrawan > > Freiburg Materials Research Center > Stefan-Meier-Str. 21 > D-79104 Freiburg > Germany > Tel: ++49/761/203-4802 > FAX: ++49/761/203-4801 > EMAIL: sastra at > > > >