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Filtered Backprojection

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg21563] Filtered Backprojection
  • From: pford at (Patrick V. Ford)
  • Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 02:04:05 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Tx
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I want to use Mathematica to create an educational demonstraion of the
filtered backprojection algorithm, a technique used to create CT, SPECT
and PET images. I attempted this many years ago, but the execution time
was excruciatingly slow. Since then, I have forgotten most of whay I knew
of Mathematica. The algorithm is easily written in IDL
<>, but is is not as convenient as Mathmatica for 
a multiplate demonstration, since it does not have the equivalent of a
notebook or Mathreader.

I am hoping to find an example of the backprojection algorithm using the 
Radon transform or Riemann sum (as per IDL) that I can modify for my
needs. If you know where I can find one, please let me know a the e-mail
below.   Thanks.

Patrick Ford, MD
pford at

I apologise if this posting appears more than once. I attempted to post
this 2 days ago and I have yet to see it appear.

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