Re: Re: How to plot...?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg23849] Re: [mg23792] Re: [mg23736] How to plot...?
- From: BobHanlon at
- Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 01:17:39 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
In a message dated 6/10/2000 3:09:53 AM, Matt.Johnson at writes: >Jos- > >Plot3D[ fp[ pp , vel ] , {pp, 7.9, 10.5}, {vel, 780, 940}]; > >should do it. > >If you want a 2-d plot holding one variable constant, (letting pp = 7.9 >in this >case) > >Plot[ fp[ 7.9, vel ], {vel, 780, 940}]; > >-matt > > >jml at ( Jose Lasso) on 06/04/2000 11:09:28 PM > >Subject: [mg23849] [mg23792] [mg23736] How to plot...? > >Hi, > >How can I plot the following function: fp[pp_,vel_]:=(pp*vel^2)/450240, >this is a ballistic function, where fp is the energy, pp is the pellet >weight, and vel is the velocity of the pellet. Any ideas. Thx in advance. >Regards. > >Jos M Lasso > If you want to plot in 2-D, you can plot a family of curves. Needs["Graphics`Legend`"] fp[pp_, vel_] := (pp*vel^2)/450240; Plot[Evaluate[Table[fp[pp, vel], {pp, 7.8, 10.5, .3}]], {vel, 780, 940}, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, FrameLabel -> {"\nVelocity (vel, ft/sec)", "Energy (fp)\n"}, PlotStyle -> Table[Hue[(x - 7.5)/3], {x, 7.8, 10.5, .3}], PlotLegend -> Prepend[Table[ " =" <> ToString[ NumberForm[x, {3, 1}, NumberPadding -> {" ", "0"}]], {x, 8.1, 10.5, .3}], "pp = 7.8"], LegendPosition -> {1.1, -.65}, LegendSize -> {.5, 1.4}, LegendLabel -> "Pellet Weight\n(pp, grains)", Epilog -> {Text["fp = (pp * vel^2)/450240", Scaled[{.05, .8}], {-1, 0}]}, ImageSize -> {500, 300}]; Bob BobHanlon at