Bessel function / MeijerG / Integral bug?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg24048] Bessel function / MeijerG / Integral bug?
- From: Richard Easther <easther at>
- Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 02:20:08 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: High Energy Theory Group, Physics Dept, Brown U
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi, Can anyone provide any pointers here - I am looking at a rather nasty pair of integrals, namely: Integrate[ Exp[-tau + I tau] /tau^3 BesselJ[k, a^2 tau^2]^2 , {tau, 0, Infinity}] + Integrate[ Exp[-tau - I tau] /tau^3 BesselJ[k, a^2 tau^2]^2, {tau, 0, Infinity}] (The two integrands are obviously complex conjugates, so the overall expression is real - moreover, the exp(+/- I tau) terms could be replaced by a cosine, which would make the expression explicitly real valued). When I evaluate this expression , I get: If[a^2 > 0 && Re[k] > 1/2, (-I/32*MeijerG[{{1 - k}, {1, 1 + k}}, {{-1/2, -1/4, 0, 1/4, 1/2}, {}}, -1/(64*a^4)])/ (Sqrt[2]*Pi^2), Integrate[BesselJ[k, a^2*tau^2]^2/ (E^((1 - I)*tau)*tau^3), {tau, 0, Infinity}]] + If[a^2 > 0 && Re[k] > 1/2, (I/32*MeijerG[{{1 - k}, {1, 1 + k}}, {{-1/2, -1/4, 0, 1/4, 1/2}, {}}, -1/(64*a^4)])/ (Sqrt[2]*Pi^2), Integrate[BesselJ[k, a^2*tau^2]^2/ (E^((1 + I)*tau)*tau^3), {tau, 0, Infinity}]] which is all very well. Then, stipuating that a^2 > 0 && Re[k] > 1/2 (which is true for any values of a and k that I actually care about) I find that the resulting sum is (according to Mathematica 4) identically zero, independently of a and k. Unfortunately, I have several good reasons for believing that it is not zero - firstly, numerically evaluating the integrals (via NIntegrate) yields a non-zero answer for arbitrary values of a and k, and plotting the integrand with (say) a=1 and k=1 yields something that looks very unlikely to have an integral of zero. Moreover, the physical intuition derived from the problem which produced these integrals also strongly suggests a non zero result. It could be that bugs are buried somewhere in BesselJ and NIntegrate, but I doubt it - and suspect that Mathematica's implementation of either the Bessel function integrals used above or the MeijerG function is buggy :-) So can anyone a) point me to patch for this bug if it has been seen before or b) suggest a reference that gives this integral - it does not seem to be in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, however. Thanks in advance, Richard Easther easther at