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Urgent aid needed

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg22504] Urgent aid needed
  • From: "TAIBALY HATIM" <hatim at>
  • Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 00:24:42 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Please, help me for this two subject.

The first Subject :

Representation of the convergence ( respectively divergence ) of a 
reccurent series.
The object of this question is to write a Mathematica's function which 
admit three arguments :
    - a function f : R  in  R
    - an initial value "a" which belongs to the domain of the function
    - a naturel whole "p", such as we can obtain a representation of the 
"conventional" construction of the p prime terms of the recurrent series 
defined by
                                Uo = a
                               Un+1 = f(Un)

The second Subject :

"a" and "b" refer to relative wholes such as first b>0 and secondly "a" 
is prime with "b"
We say that we have factorized a/b in "Egyptian fraction" when we have 
found wholes e, c1, c2 .....  cn such as
            a/b  =  e  +  1/c1  +  1/c2  +  .......  +  1/cn
Write a Mathematica's fonction which, a and b given, supplies the 
decomposition of a/b in "egyptian fraction"

Please write to me at  hatim at
Thank you in advance

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