variables in packages
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg25877] variables in packages
- From: Andre Heinemann <a.heinemann at>
- Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 02:04:19 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi mathgroup, I wrote a small package for my special purposes in Nonlinear Regression. The code as a function in a notebook works well, but it dosn't work as a package. The rules: (BestFitParameters /. nonlinregress) and (ParameterCITable /. nonlinregress) did not work in the same way, because NewRegress`Private`BestFitParameters does not exist. This was the answer of mathematica during a test of my package. How can I declare BestFitParameters that mathematica knows that it is a variable in NonlinearRegress usable also from outside of the package ? I send the whole code, not because I like to bore you, but may be the problem is situated in a othe part of the code. I hope you can help me because I tried a lot of different thinks, but nothink works. Thanks, Andre __________snip, snip________________________________________ BeginPackage["NewRegress`", (* needed for NonlinearRegress *) "Statistics`NonlinearFit`", (* needed for BooleanSelect*) "Statistics`DataManipulation`"]; NewRegress::usage = "NewRegress[data, weights, model_function, {x,xmin,xmax},allparameter,fitparameter,precisition,options] returns a list of a NonlinearRegression of the data with the model_function. and weights. output[[1]],output[[2]] are for compatibility. output[[3]] is the full report 3." Begin["`Private`"] NewRegress[data_List, gewichte_List, modelFunction_, Xvariable_List, parameter_List, fit_List, precision_Integer, opt___] := Block[{errlist = {}, fitselect = {}, fitinput = {}, fixselect = {}, fixinput = {}, nonlinregress = {}, out1 = {}, useddata = {}, usedgewichte = {}, xfree = Xvariable[[1]], xmin = Xvariable[[2]], xmax = Xvariable[[3]], pll, j, i }, For[j = 1; useddata = {}; usedgewichte = {}, j <= Length[data], j++, If[data[[j]][[1]] >= xmin && data[[j]][[1]] <= xmax, useddata = Join[useddata, {data[[j]]}]; usedgewichte = Join[usedgewichte, {gewichte[[j]]}]]]; pll = Length[parameter]; fitselect = Table[MemberQ[fit, parameter[[i, 1]]], {i, 1, pll}]; fitinput = BooleanSelect[parameter, fitselect]; fixselect = Table[Not[fitselect[[i]]], {i, 1, pll}]; fixinput = Table[(BooleanSelect[parameter, fixselect])[[i, 1]] -> (BooleanSelect[parameter, fixselect])[[i, 2]], {i, 1, Length[(BooleanSelect[parameter, fixselect])]}]; nonlinregress = NonlinearRegress[useddata, Evaluate[modelFunction] /. fixinput, Xvariable[[1]], fitinput, ShowProgress -> False, Weights -> usedgewichte, opt]; out1 = Join[fixinput, (BestFitParameters /. nonlinregress)]; For[j = 1; outlist = {}, j <= pll, j++, For[i = 1, i <= pll, i++, If[parameter[[j]][[1]] === out1[[i]][[1]], outlist = Join[outlist, {parameter[[j]][[1]] -> SetPrecision[out1[[i]][[2]], precision]}]]]]; errlist = Table[{fitinput[[j, 1]], SetPrecision[(ParameterCITable /. nonlinregress)[[1]][[j, 1]], precision], SetPrecision[ Max[Abs[(ParameterCITable /. nonlinregress)[[1]][[j, 3]] - (ParameterCITable /. nonlinregress)[[1]][[j, 1]]]], precision]}, {j, 1, Length[fitinput]}]; {outlist, errlist, nonlinregress} ] End[] EndPackage[] ______________snip * snip__________________________ -- +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | email: a.heinemann at | Andre Heinemann | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------+