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Bug: Mathematica 4.0 vs. Win2k on ThinkPad

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25931] Bug: Mathematica 4.0 vs. Win2k on ThinkPad
  • From: John Jeppson <jepp at>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 03:04:27 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Can anyone confirm (or refute) this bug I'm getting.

Mathematica 4.0.0  (or 4.0.2)
Windows 2000
IBM Thinkpad T20   (machine type 2647)

Fail Case:

1.)   Open a new blank notebook

2.)   Type:    2 + 2

3.)   Run it.   -->  Output line says:  4

4.)  Now move the cursor over the window. While over the input or
output text, the cursor should be a vertical bar with little  v's at
top and bottom.  Over the area between the input and output lines the
cursor should flip over on its side and become a horizontal bar
indicating the location where you can insert a new cell.

5.)  On my machine this does NOT happen. The cursor won't change by
moving around within the text areas of the notebook window (although
it does change shape over the window frame and the little brackets
that lie along the right side of the notebook cells).

Wolfram tech support has been unable to duplicate this because they
apparently don't have an IBM ThinkPad running w2k.  My machine itself
has been back to IBM and declared okay, but still has this bug.

It does not seem to  be my CDROM disk since I can reinstall 4.0 on my
Dell desktop (Windows 98) and it works correctly, and Wolfram tech
support sent me another disk (4.0.2) which acts just the same.

It can't very well be a program conflict because my machine was
completely reinitialized by IBM to the original factory state, and
Mathematica was the first and only program installed.

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