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A universal simulation interface: database, input/output, plotting and visualization

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg28245] A universal simulation interface: database, input/output, plotting and visualization
  • From: David Oliver <daoliver at>
  • Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 01:52:53 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I want a tool for a pattern of engineering work that I imagine quite common.
It consists of a database + "analysis/simulation engine" + editing and
visualization tools. The "analysis/simulation engine" is completely supplied
by the user, written in Mathematica, and contains all the physics.  The
analysis engine reads input from the database and writes output to it. The
database and GUI editing and visualization tools are what I'm looking for.

I want a ready-made user interface that allows me to set up the simulation
fields in the database and easily change and edit them in the task of
setting up a run. Then I push a "run" button and the analysis/simulation
engine reads the input from the DB, performs its simulation (generally as a
time sequence, but not necessarily so), and writes the output to the DB. I
want potting and visualization tools that allow me to select output as well
as input fields to exhibit as graphs or tables from the DB. I'd like to be
able to set up a format for a given problem and then be able to repetitively
use it for many runs. I want to do this simply in a user interface, not by
rewriting code.

Anything like this exist for Matheamtica? Or in general; I'm happy to write
the "analysis/simulation engine" in C, C++, or any appropriate language.

-David Oliver

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