Re: Point order
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg30364] Re: [mg30347] Point order
- From: BobHanlon at
- Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 02:29:53 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
In a message dated 2001/8/11 3:51:02 AM, nova2000 at writes: >If I draw a polygone of n sides, how do I know if the points are drawn >in clockwise order or not? > Label the points Needs["Graphics`MultipleListPlot`"]; Needs["Graphics`Colors`"]; n = 5; MultipleListPlot[ Flatten[List @@ RegularPolygon[n, 1, {0, 0}], 1], Flatten[List @@ RegularPolygon[n, 1, {0, 0}, Pi/n, n-1], 1], PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue}, PlotJoined -> True, AspectRatio -> Automatic, Axes -> False, SymbolLabel -> (Table[#<>ToString[k], {k, n}]& /@ {"CCW-", "CW-"}), PlotRange -> All]; Bob Hanlon Chantilly, VA USA