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Re: How do I script the evaluation of a Notebook

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg30535] Re: [mg30515] How do I script the evaluation of a Notebook
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <andrzej at>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 04:54:39 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Although I find it difficult to imagine why you wish to do such a 
strange thing (which makes me suspect that I might be misunderstanding 
you) here is one way to do what you seem to be asking for. I will 
illustrate it on an example. I guess its easiest to describe by an 
example. I have currently opened before me two mathematica windows. The 
function Notebooks[] returns a list of allopen notebooks:


{NotebookObject[<<Untitled-2>>], NotebookObject[<<Untitled-1>>],  

So we see that there are three opened notebooks, Untitled-2,Untitled-1 
and Messages. I have put expressions I want to evaluate in Untitled-1 
and I will evaluate the command that tells the kernel to evaluate them 
in Untitled-2 (to avoid an infinite loop). So first, in Untitled-2 I 
create a notebook object that can be handled by the kernel:



Now I will tell the kernel to evaluate the NotebookObject nb five times. 
Again this is done in Untitled-2:

Do[FrontEndExecute[{FrontEndToken[nb, "EvaluateNotebook"]}], {5}]

This will happen so fast you want notice any difference unless you chose 
your code in Untitled-1 in such a way as to get a different answer each 
time. For example if you just have the single function Random[] and make 
sure that Untitled-1 stays visible (is not covered by Untitled-2) you 
will see the value in the output cell changing very fast.

Andrzej Kozlowski
Toyama International University

On Saturday, August 25, 2001, at 09:58  AM, Matthew D. Langston wrote:

> How do I script the evaluation of a Notebook?
> I'd like to programmatically evaluate a Notebook multiple times in a 
> loop.
> Although I don't know how to write it, here is the Mathematic 
> pseudo-code
> that I'd like to learn how to write:
> nb = NotebookOpen["foo.nb"]
> Do[NotebookEvaluate[nb], {myVar,4}]
> I made up the name "NotebookEvaluate" because it is not a real 
> Mathematica
> function, but it does describe what I want to do.  Is there a function 
> in
> Mathematica that takes a Notebook expression and evaluate the entire
> Notebook?  Thanks for your help.
> Regards, Matt
> --
> Matthew D. Langston
> SLD, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
> langston at SLAC.Stanford.EDU

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