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Trouble with Splice for Java (i.e. there is no JForm)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg31855] Trouble with Splice for Java (i.e. there is no JForm)
  • From: "Matthew D. Langston" <langston at SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 05:56:50 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hello all,

I can't figure out how to output Java language constructs using Splice, like
I can for Fortran and C/C++ files.

For example, here is how x^2 is represented in different languages:

C/C++ :   Power(x,2)
Fortran:   x**2
TeX     :   x^2
Java     :  Math.pow(x,2)

Since there is no JForm command in Mathematica, I have been trying to use
CForm.   However, I can't figure out how to output the Java syntax.  If I
try something like this:


then the CForm comes out like this:


If I try something like this:


then the CForm comes out like this:


Can someone help me understand how to get x^2 to output as Math.pow(x,2)
please?  Thank you.

Regards, Matt

Matthew D. Langston
SLD, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
langston at SLAC.Stanford.EDU

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