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Re: How to change Mathematicas menus on the fly?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg26686] Re: [mg26622] How to change Mathematicas menus on the fly?
  • From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 00:47:34 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

At 09:36 PM 1/13/2001, Mikael Adlers wrote:
>Dear Friends:
>I am using Mathematica 4.0 on a Windows2000 computer.
>Now, my problem is that I would like to change the Mathematica
>menus when a package is loaded. I have seen this question before
>but never a full answer to the question.
>I have managed to load the file, change it, and call
>  FrontEndExecute[ResetMenusPacket[menuStr]];
>to change the menubar.
>However, I still have some problems
>1) The window menu looses all the names of the currently open windows
>    (not strange since theses are not defined in
>    Is there a way to read the current menubar from Mathematica?
>2) The context menu (right click menu) disappear. It's possible to
>    change the context menu by changing the file, but
>    can this be done from Mathematica?
>If anyone has solved these problems I would be grateful.
>Thanks in advance
>/Mikael Adlers
>  Mikael Adlers, Ph.D.          email: mikael at
>  MathCore AB                   phone: +4613 32 85 07
>  Teknikringen 1F               fax:         21 27 01
>  SE-583 30 Linkoping, Sweden

Your first problem is a bug and there isn't a good way to work around 
it.  Your second problem can by using the following syntax for 

ResetMenusPacket[{main, context}]

where 'main' is the main Menu[] expression, and 'context' is the 
right-click Menu[] expression (which you can find in in 
the TextResources\Windows directory).


John Fultz
jfultz at
User Interface Group
Wolfram Research, Inc.

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