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Re: Mathematica generating gifs for avi problem

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg29778] Re: [mg29713] Mathematica generating gifs for avi problem
  • From: gleam at
  • Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 20:35:54 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Alan, there is a much easier way!  Export the animation as a TIFF file, and 
then open it in an animation package that can read the multi-frame TIFF 
data.  I use JASC Animation Shop 3, which comes with Paint Shop Pro 
7.  This program can read TIFF, and export AVI.  Here is a simple example:

Short[ani1 =
     Table[Plot3D[Sin[x y + z], {x, 0, 3}, {y, 0, 4}, Axes -> False,
         PlotRange -> {-1, 1}, DisplayFunction -> Identity, PlotPoints -> 50,
         Mesh -> False], {z, 1, 7, 1/3}]]

Export["animation.tif", ani1, "TIFF", ImageSize -> {500, Automatic}]


>i'm trying to generate an avi movie for powerpoint. since Mathematica for
>windows doesn't support this directly, i'm exporting individual .gifs
>with Mathematica's Export[], then using shareware to convert to avi.
>problem is, i have 1000's of frames and it's taking a long time to
>render each one. shouldn't it be possible to direct Mathematica not to render
>and rather to save these plots? i'm using Export[,"GIF"] and i tried
>DisplayFunction->Identity but doesn't work. any runarounds?
>alan calvitti
>axc at

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