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Re: about ConstrainedMin

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg29869] Re: [mg29806] about ConstrainedMin
  • From: "Mark Harder" <harderm at>
  • Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 01:37:01 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

    I'm afraid I don't know how the Simplex  algorithm has been "enhanced" .
This is a question that someone @ Wolfram should answer.
-mark harder

-----Original Message-----
From: qing.cheng at <qing.cheng at>
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg29869] Re: [mg29806] about ConstrainedMin

>Thank you, Mark.
>But I would like to know what ConstrainedMin inside does, not only the
>The problem was rised from one of our applications. There we need to
>measure the position of each pins in a leads component(electronic chip).
>Based on these individual points, we need to calculate a plane, which
>should reflect a physical plane where the component can 'sit' stably, so
>call it seating plane. One way we try to  achieve this is to convert this
>problem to a LP problem. The objective function is to Minimize the Sum
>distance between the measurement points and the plane.
>We have implemented a Simplex method besed on the algorithm in Numerical
>Recipes to solve this linear problem, and found it worked not very well for
>">=" type constraints. I also brought the same problem to Mathematica, and
>found the situation that BasicSimplex failed as same as our C
>implementation, while ConstrainedMin found good solution. Now, we have done
>a data transformation before pass them to Simplex algorithm to ensure that
>all the constraints are "<=". It works in that way. But still I would like
>to know how ConstrainedMin improved BasicSimplex. (In Mathematica hand book
>from Stephen Wolfram, page 1061 says that ConstrainedMax and related
>function use an enhanced version of the simplex algorithm).
>Could you give me some more information or suggestions about it?
>Best Regards.
>"Mark Harder" <harderm at> on 07/12/2001 10:34:41 PM
>To:   <qing.cheng at>, <mathgroup at>
>Subject: [mg29869]  Re: [mg29806] about ConstrainedMin
>    For minimization of linear functions with linear constraints, see the
>function ConstrainedMin:
>ConstrainedMin[2 x - 3 y, {x + y < 10, x - y > 2, x > 1}, {x, y}]
>{0, {x -> 6, y -> 4}}
>ConstrainedMin[2 x - 3 y, {x + y == 12, x - y > 2, x > 1}, {x, y}]
>{-1, {x -> 7, y -> 5}}
>-mark harder
>-----Original Message-----
>From: qing.cheng at <qing.cheng at>
To: mathgroup at
>To: mathgroup at <mathgroup at>
>Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 10:44 PM
>Subject: [mg29869] [mg29806] about ConstrainedMin
>>Dear Mathgroup,
>>Is there possibilities that I can have the implementation of
>>or the description of the algorithm. I find it's much more efficient than
>>classical simplex method and would like to use it in our application.
>>Many thanks.
>>My e-mail address is qing.cheng at

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