Re: Re: about ConstrainedMin
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg29908] Re: [mg29855] Re: [mg29806] about ConstrainedMin
- From: qing.cheng at
- Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 02:08:50 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Thanks for your help. I like your idea of finding solution with 'back tracking', first assume a plane and than find the approximate one back. The reason that we do not cast the problem as an ordinary linear least-squares fitting is exactly as what you've thought (sorry that I did not address the problem precisely ). In the field the engineering wants to have a plane which describes how the component contacts with some base (?)(for solder, I guess). In a perfact situation, I think it could be simply defined by the lowest three points. However, because of the measurement tolerance, this way is not feasible. LMS plane is best fit the objective function, but not satisfy the real constraints. As you mentioned in the second scenario, that x and y is allowed to be treated as "exact" from CAD data(lucky, because it's first time I come to a total least squares problem), but still there is a contraints that all the points should be above the plane with considering of the tolerance. From this view(if it's best fit the requirement, still a discussion), the problem turn to be find the minimum in a N-dimensional polyhedron and that is exactly what Simplex ask. For my first question, I've generated a specific example. And I think that we have implemented the exact same algorithm as Mathematica function BasicSimplex is implemented, because they failed in the same condition. Here is the Mathematica note: f = 4579-12480 a+28779 b-9 c; g = {-65045(-1+a) - 66824(-1+b) + c <= 500., -26(-1+a) - 68136(-1+b) + c <= 1095., 65014(-1+a) - 69633(-1+b) + c <= 1543., -63638(-1+a) - 1706(-1+b) + c <= 2274., 1469(-1+a) - 3219(-1+b) + c <= 2833., 66370(-1+a) - 4609(-1+b) + c <= 3460., -62241(-1+a) + 63092(-1+b) + c <= 3951., 2791(-1+a) + 61879(-1+b) + c <= 4454., 67786(-1+a) + 60377(-1+b) + c <= 5268.}; solution1 = ConstrainedMin[f, g, {a, b, c}] => (Embedded image moved to file: pic12316.pcx) solution2 = BasicSimplex[f,g, {a, b, c},PrintLevel=AE1]; (Embedded image moved to file: pic22190.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic01842.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic00288.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic30106.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic09040.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic08942.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic19264.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic22648.pcx) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Same problem but after I manipulate the data: f = 1216680 - 597885. a -597918. b-9 c; g = {0. (-1+a)+2809. (-1+b)+c >= 500., 65019. (-1+a)+1497. (-1+b)+c >= 1095., 130059. (-1+a)+0. (-1+b)+c >= 1543., 1407. (-1+a)+67927. (-1+b)+c >= 2274., 66514. (-1+a)+66414. (-1+b)+c >= 2833., 131415. (-1+a)+65024. (-1+b)+c >= 3460., 2804. (-1+a)+132725. (-1+b)+c >= 3951., 67836. (-1+a)+131512. (-1+b)+c >= 4454., 132831. (-1+a)+130010. (-1+b)+c >=5268.}; solution1 = ConstrainedMin[f, g, {a, b, c}] =>(Embedded image moved to file: pic27446.pcx) solution2 = BasicSimplex[f,g,{a, b, c},PrintLevel=AE1]; (Embedded image moved to file: pic23805.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic15890.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic06729.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic24370.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic15350.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic15006.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic31101.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic24393.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic03548.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic19629.pcx) (Embedded image moved to file: pic12623.pcx) Thanks and with my best wishes. /Qing Daniel Lichtblau <danl at> on 07/16/2001 07:57:54 PM Sent by: danl at Subject: [mg29908] Re: [mg29855] Re: [mg29806] about ConstrainedMin qing.cheng at wrote: > > Thank you, Mark. > > But I would like to know what ConstrainedMin inside does, not only the > usage. > The problem was rised from one of our applications. There we need to > measure the position of each pins in a leads component(electronic chip). > Based on these individual points, we need to calculate a plane, which > should reflect a physical plane where the component can 'sit' stably, so > call it seating plane. One way we try to achieve this is to convert this > problem to a LP problem. The objective function is to Minimize the Sum > distance between the measurement points and the plane. > We have implemented a Simplex method besed on the algorithm in Numerical > Recipes to solve this linear problem, and found it worked not very well for > ">=" type constraints. I also brought the same problem to Mathematica, and > found the situation that BasicSimplex failed as same as our C > implementation, while ConstrainedMin found good solution. Now, we have done > a data transformation before pass them to Simplex algorithm to ensure that > all the constraints are "<=". It works in that way. But still I would like > to know how ConstrainedMin improved BasicSimplex. (In Mathematica hand book > from Stephen Wolfram, page 1061 says that ConstrainedMax and related > function use an enhanced version of the simplex algorithm). > > Could you give me some more information or suggestions about it? > > Best Regards. > > /Qing > [...] I do not know the details of the Mathematica implementation of the simplex algorithm. I will make a few comments about other aspects of this particular problem, in case any are of relevance e.g. for obtaining preferable or faster results. As worded, the problem above appears to be one of total least squares. That is, the task is to minimize distances from a plane (ordinary least squares would minimize squares of vertical discrepancies; we'll address that later). First note that a plane may be represented by an equation of the form a*x+b*y+c*z==d. Provided the x-coefficient is not zero we can normalize so that it is one. We'll work with an example. We take the plane below, find some points on it, and perturb them. We then hope to recover a plane with approximately the same parameters. plane = 3*x + 2*y + z - 10; npoints = 10; SeedRandom[1111]; xyvals = 2*Table[Random[], {npoints}, {2}]; zvals = Map[10 - 3*#[[1]] - 2*#[[2]] &, xyvals]; points = Map[Flatten, Transpose[{xyvals, zvals}]]; offsets = Table[.4*Random[] - .2, {npoints}, {3}]; fuzzedpoints = points + offsets; Map[10 - 3*#[[1]] - 2*#[[2]] - #[[3]] &, fuzzedpoints]; Given the plane a*x+b*y+c*z==d and the point {x0,y0,z0} the square of the distance from point to plane is given by (a*x+b*y+c*z-d)^2/(a^2+b^2+c^2). If we want to minimize the sum of these square distances we may discard the common denominators. We form the resulting sum as below. newpoints = Map[Append[#, -1] &, fuzzedpoints]; vec = {1, b, c, d}; dotprods = newpoints.vec; sumsquares = dotprods.dotprods; Now we can use FindMinimum to get the best values for the parameters (at least assuming we can give it reasonable starting values). In[16]:= bestparams = FindMinimum[sumsquares, {b,1}, {c,1}, {d,1}] Out[16]= {0.117926, {b->0.654815, c->0.357271, d->3.50226}} We'll check the result. In[17]:= bestplane = x + b*y + c*z - d /. bestparams[[2]] Out[17]= -3.50226 + x + 0.654815 y + 0.357271 z In[18]:= Expand[3*bestplane] Out[18]= -10.5068 + 3 x + 1.96445 y + 1.07181 z We could instead minimize the sum of distances rather than square distances. sumdistances = Apply[Plus, Map[Abs, dotprods]]; For this we do not have a differentiable function so I used a secant method by giving two initial values. In[26]:= bestparamsl1 = FindMinimum[sumdistances, {b,.5,1}, {c,.5,1}, {d,1,2}] Out[26]= {0.879003, {b -> 0.636147, c -> 0.34802, d -> 3.42449}} In[27]:= bestplanel1 = x + b*y + c*z - d /. bestparamsl1[[2]] Out[27]= -3.42449 + x + 0.636147 y + 0.34802 z In[28]:= Expand[3*bestplanel1] Out[28]= -10.2735 + 3 x + 1.90844 y + 1.04406 z I found that it took some experimentation to make this work; "bad" initial values gave bad results. Likewise for avoidung Abs and using instead: sumdistances = Apply[Plus, Map[Sqrt[#^2]&, dotprods]] This latter does not have differnetiability problems, hence again does not need two initial values. But I did not get good results unless I started reasonably close to the actual solution. Another scenario is that you might want to treat x and y values as "exact" and z values as subject to experimental error, and then determine a best-fitting plane of the form z = a*x+b*y+d. This is readily cast as an ordinary linear least-squares optimization problem. First we separate z values from the rest in the data. vec2 = {a, b, d}; pointsnoz = newpoints[[All, {1, 2, 4}]]; zvals = newpoints[[All, 3]]; pointsnoz can be regarded as a matrix by which we multiply vec2; were the data to lie exactly on a plane we would have zvals == pointsnoz.vec2 for appropriate values of the parameters in vec2. In the exactly determined case one can multiply by an inverse matrix to solve for {a,b,d}. For a least-squares solution, one instead may multiply by the (Moore-Penrose) pseudo-inverse. In[43]:= bestparams2 = Thread[vec2 -> PseudoInverse[pointsnoz] . zvals] Out[43]= {a -> -2.68791, b -> -1.81179, d -> -9.63997} In[44]:= bestplane2 = z - (a*x + b*y + d) /. bestparams2 Out[44]= 9.63997 + 2.68791 x + 1.81179 y + z Note that there are ways to do this that avoid explicit computation of PseudoInverse. In version 4.1 of Mathematica the "further notes" for QRDecomposition and SingularValues demonstrate some such methods. Moreover one can formulate the problem as a single call to Fit. One reason to prefer this second approach is that it is alot faster. If you have 1000 data points the first method will take several seconds and the second a split second. This is probably not applicable for the stated problem (can one work with 1000 pins in a single chip? What would the connection be like?) I was initially at a loss to see how this might be formulated as a linear programming problem. Then one possibility came to mind, that you constrain the plane so that it lies "under" the data. In this way we get distances without recourse to Abs and we have a legitimate LP problem. constraints = Map[# >= 0 &, newpoints.vec]; In[46]:= objfunc = Apply[Plus, newpoints.vec] Out[46]= 12.9605 + 8.96492 b + 45.3205 c - 10 d In[47]:= cbestparams = ConstrainedMin[objfunc, constraints, {b, c, d}] Out[47]= {1.10822, {b -> 0.602984, c -> 0.353536, d -> 3.32804}} In[48]:= cbestplane = x + b*y + c*z - d /. cbestparams[[2]] Out[48]= -3.32804 + x + 0.602984 y + 0.353536 z In[49]:= Expand[3*cbestplane] Out[49]= -9.98412 + 3 x + 1.80895 y + 1.06061 z I believe there is a way to formulate the total least squares problem so that one can use linear algebra techniques e.g. SingularValues. But I do not know how to do that myself. One advantage that may make such an approach attractive (other than speed, if you have a truly monstrous chip) is that these methods are immune to the problems FindMinimum can have with respect to starting values. Daniel Lichtblau Wolfram Research