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Re: Puzzled over (un)changing argument symbols in functions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg27971] Re: Puzzled over (un)changing argument symbols in functions
  • From: Erich Mueller <emuelle1 at>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 01:26:08 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • References: <99n5t5$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Your problem is with delayed asignments.  Here is a simpler example that
illustrates the same problem:
g = 1+y; f[x_,y_] := x+ g

Typing in f[3,2] gives 4+y, rather than 6.  The variables 3 and 2 are
substituted into the expression x+g before g is expanded.

In this simple case, one can get around the problem by writing
f[x_,y_] := Evaluate[x+g]
f[x_,y_] = x+g

In your case you will probably want to make fSoln an explicit function of
b, and use a delayed assynment for it.

Good luck,

On 26 Mar 2001, A. E. Siegman wrote:

> Here are three cells just to confirm that if I define a trivial function 
> f1[y,z], then substitute y1 and z1 for y and z, the result is what you'd 
> think it would be
>       In[1] :=  f1[y_, z_] := y - z;
>       In[2] := f1[y, z]
>       Out[2] = y - z
>       In[3] := f1[y1, z1]
>       Out[3] = y1 - z1
> Now I define a slightly more complex but still algebraic function  
> f2[n,b] using RSolve.  For simplicity I haven't printed the Outputs 
> below, but the essential result is that b  is *not* replaced by  b1  in 
> Output[] -- Outputs [7] and [8] are identical:
>       In[4] := << DiscreteMath`RSolve`;
>       In[5] := fSoln = RSolve[ { a[n] == (2 + b)a[n - 1] - a[n - 2], 
>                  a[3] == 1, a[-3] == 1},  a[n], n ]  /.  (n ? -3) ->True;
>       In[6] := f2[n_, b_] := (a[n] /. fSoln[[1]]);
>       In[7]:= f2[n, b]
>       In[8]:= f2[n, b1]
> Why doesn't  f2[n,b]  behave like  f1[y,x]  did?

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