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Need help writing geology software using cirlces

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg29117] Need help writing geology software using cirlces
  • From: "Peter Wilson" <peter at>
  • Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 05:50:31 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I am currently writing a computer program that needs to calculate the
average angle, given numerous angles in a previous sequence.

1) Given the angles, 0° and 45°  the average is definitely 22.5°

2) Given 2 angles of 350 and 45, the average should be 17.5 degrees
(hmmm...Is that right?)

3) Given 0 and 180 the average can be considered either 90 or 270

4) Given 0, 90, 180 and 270, the average may? be considered 0. In such cases
my program will cope fine.

Here's my question
Q. What formula can I use to find the average angle in a circle, from a
series of angles?
i.e.. 0,45,56,135,270,360,2,18... etc.

Please note that I understand basic trigonometry, but that's about it.  I'm
a computer programmer, not a mathematician.

I would appreciate any help.  My computer program is currently used in
Geology to track the course of a river, and to provide a predictive model of
the same river in previous and future years.  It currently works, however
it's a bit rough and I'm currently looking for refinement algorithms.



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