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RE: Limit and Abs

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg31212] RE: [mg31194] Limit and Abs
  • From: Bradley Stoll <BradleyS at>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 03:12:02 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

That's interesting.  When I evaluate Limit[Abs[Cot[a]]/(Abs[Cot[a]] + 2), a
-> Infinity], Mathematica returns 1, which does not make sense when you view the
graph.  When I evaluate Limit[Cot[a]/(Cot[a] + 2), a -> Infinity], Mathematica
returns Abs[Cot[a]]/(2 + Abs[Cot[a]]).  Can someone explain this?  By the
looks of it, neither of these limits exist, which is what I would've thought
in the first place.  I'm using 4.1, by the way.

Bradley Stoll

-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Friedrich [mailto:oliver.friedrich at]
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg31212] [mg31194] Limit and Abs


if I evaluate
i get the correct answer.

But I want to evaluate


and that's being returned unevaluated. Help states, that Limit will return
expressions unevaluated, if there are functions with unknown behaviour (Abs
unknown ??) so I'm not too surprised or disappointed.
But anyway, how can I workaround or bypass this problem, maybe an option or
another function in the extra packages ?


Oliver Friedrich

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