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SOAP,MAthematica and Servlet

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg33995] SOAP,MAthematica and Servlet
  • From: nivedeeta_deshmukh at (Nivedeeta)
  • Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 03:00:48 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I am working on application which uses mathematica and java.

In mathematica i am running some long task ,say for n iterations.

At end of an iteration,through mathematica, i want to tell java
program( which is an servlet ) that the iteration is complete.This
servlet in turn will convey it to an Applet.

For this communication i am using SOAP, as the eariler scheme didn't

Through mathematica i am instantiating a java class which will set the
value of a variable(iteration) in the SOAP  server.

The SOAP Client which i am instantiating trough mathematica resides in

where i am having my mathematica package.

If i write a java class which resides in:

which invokes the mathematica package and does the processing ,then i
get the expected output on the catalina. (For reading the o/p i am
using another soap client which is talking to same soap service)

But if i convert same class (i.e. java class invoking mathematica
package) to servlet and try to run it .
I am not getting the results  on catalina.

The SOAP client instantiated from mathematica does not set the values.

What can be the problem?

The same program works as  independent one but does not work when
converted to servlet.

I am using SOAP service to set and read the value.


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