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Graphtheory package questions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg35918] Graphtheory package questions
  • From: "Oliver Friedrich" <oliver.friedrich at>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 06:06:08 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I'm running 3.0.

I want to do a document about network analysis of electrical networks by
means of that things like method of node potentials and method of mesh
currents, OK?
Now I think that the DiscreteMath'Combinatorica package provides some nice
features to generate, show and operate with graphs.

I want to generate a graph out of a given netlist (almost SPICE format) and
display that graph. The vertices would be the nodes of the circuit, the
edges would be the components of the circuit.

1. I didn't find a suitable embedding of a circuit graph. It would be nice
to generate an embedding which would avoid any intersections of edges if
possible. In my case it is possible, because my circuit diagram doesn't have
any crossings of lines. Is there an automatic embedding doing that or do I
have to generate my vertices list by hand?

2. All the graphs shown in the package help don't have any vertices or edges
named with a reference. You can imagine, it's not useful to show a graph of
a circuit, where neither the components references nor the node references
are shown. Is there way to give the vertices a name and display that name in
the graph? The same for the edges.

3. I couldn' find that book of Steven Skiena anymore. Is there any
documentation on that package beside the Online help and that book?

Thanks for your help and especially greetings to David Park, my inquiry
sounds like it has to do with your drawing package ;-)

Oliver Friedrich

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