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Putting Tables into Graphics (once again)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg35936] Putting Tables into Graphics (once again)
  • From: AES <siegman at>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 06:06:27 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

The following was suggested to me some time back as a way of putting a 
formatted and styled Table into a Graphics cell, and it works -- sort of

    myTable = Table[ {"Some text", x, x^2, x^3, x64}, {x,1,5} ];

    myTableGraphicOne = Graphics[ Text[ StyleForm[ TableForm[ myTable],
    FontWeight->"Bold", FontSize->14], Scaled[{0, 1}], {-1, 1},  

    myTableGraphicTwo = Graphics[ Text[ StyleForm[ TableForm[myTable],  
    FontWeight->"Bold", FontSize->14], Scaled[{1, 0}], {1, -1}, 

    Show[ myTableGraphicOne, myTableGraphicTwo, 
                                    ImageSize->{width*72, height*72}];

My assumption is that the  Scaled[{1, 0}],  {1, -1}  options should have 
the same meaning as they do in the elementary use of  Text[] and thus in 
this case should place the two copies of the Table in the upper left and 
lower right corners of the overall graphic box; and that's sort of what 
happens, at least for the width parameter, but not the height.

Try for example playing with the width and height in the ImageSize 
option in the range of 4 to 8 (inches) each.  As you increase the width 
parameter the two Tables move apart, always staying attached to the left 
and right sides of the ImageSize as expected. 

If you increase the height parameter, however, the two Tables move up 
and down a certain amount but for heights greater than about twice the 
Table heights the vertical displacements seem to "clamp" and the Tables 
no long follow or "stick to" the top and bottom of the graphics box.

What's going on here?  Is the default value of AspectRatio having some 

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