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RE: Variable functions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg36228] RE: [mg36180] Variable functions
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 02:07:42 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


You could include an index for the function in the argument list, or make a
clear separation between "parameters" and "variables" as follows (I just use
two functions).

f[1][r_, t_, p_] := 2r Sin[t]
f[2][r_, t_, p_] := r Cos[t]Sin[p]

You could then sum them, for example, by

Sum[f[i][r, t, p], {i, 1, 2}]
r Cos[t] Sin[p] + 2 r Sin[t]

Or perhaps you wish to sum the derivatives of the functions with respect to
the second argument, t.

Sum[Derivative[0, 1, 0][f[i]][r, t, p], {i, 1, 2}]
2 r Cos[t] - r Sin[p] Sin[t]

Perhaps you can define all your functions in terms of integer parameters.

g[n_, m_][r_, t_, p_] := r^(m - n)Sin[m t]Cos[n p]

You could then sum as follows.

Sum[g[n, m][r, t, p], {m, 1, 3}, {n, 1, 3}]
Cos[p]*Sin[t] + (Cos[2*p]*Sin[t])/r +
  (Cos[3*p]*Sin[t])/r^2 + r*Cos[p]*Sin[2*t] +
  Cos[2*p]*Sin[2*t] + (Cos[3*p]*Sin[2*t])/r +
  r^2*Cos[p]*Sin[3*t] + r*Cos[2*p]*Sin[3*t] +

Or perhaps you want to take the square of the derivatives of the functions
with respect to the first argument, r...

Sum[(Derivative[1, 0, 0][g[n, m]][r, t, p])^2, {m, 1, 3}, {n, 1, 3}]
(Cos[2*p]^2*Sin[t]^2)/r^4 + (4*Cos[3*p]^2*Sin[t]^2)/
   r^6 + Cos[p]^2*Sin[2*t]^2 + (Cos[3*p]^2*Sin[2*t]^2)/
   r^4 + 4*r^2*Cos[p]^2*Sin[3*t]^2 +

If possible, try to steer away from For and Do loops and use functional
programming as much as you can. At first it may seem strange, but it is much
more powerful and easier once you get used to it. Ask further questions to
MathGroup with SPECIFIC examples and you will get a lot of help on how to
use functional programming.

David Park
djmp at

From: Raj [mailto:rajgupta121 at]
To: mathgroup at

Hi All,

   I am a newbie to mathematica. I have a 14 functions which are the
function of r,theta and phi. I want to do some mathematical operation
over them. How can I do? Can it be possible to call them in Do or For
loop with some index?

  Please suggest.


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