Re: Method of line
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg36215] Re: Method of line
- From: Robert Knapp <rknapp at>
- Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 02:07:22 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
- References: <akcot4$52h$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
amar ali wrote: > Dear Mathgroup > I have convert pde to ode like this > > du_i/dt = 1-4 u_i + .02 (u_i-1 ? 2 u_i + u i+1)/(delta (x))^3 + (u_i)^3 > v_i > > dv_i /dt = 3 u_i + .02 (v_i-1 ? 2 v_i + u i+1)/(delta (x))^3 - (u_I)^3 > v_i > > delta(x)=(i)/(N+1) > > x_i= (i)/(N+1) > > Boundary condition > u_0 (t) = 1 = u_N+1(t) > v_0(t) = 3 = v_N+1(t), > > Initial conditio > u_i(0) = 1+sin (2 pi x_i ) > v_i = 3 > For i = 1,?., N > Time Interval =[t_o, t_end] = [0,10] Since this is 1+1 dimensional initial value problem, Mathematica can do the discretization for you automatically. Just use NDSolve[{ D[u[t, x], t] == 1 - 4 u[t, x] + 0.02 D[u[t, x], x, x] + u[t, x]^3 v[t, x], D[v[t, x], t] == 3u[t, x] + 0.02 D[v[t, x], x, x] + u[t, x] ^3v[t, x], u[t, 0] == u[t, 1] == 1, u[0, x] == 1 + Sin[2 Pi x], v[t, 0] == v[t, 1] == 3, v[0, x] == 3}, {u, v}, {t, 0, 10}, {x, 0, 1}] Mathematica by default uses fourth order differences instead of the second order you specified above. If you really want second order spatial differences with the exact spacing you defined, you can use NDSolve[{D[u[t, x], t] == 1 - 4 u[t, x] + 0.02 D[u[t, x], x, x] + u[t, x]^3 v[t, x], D[v[t, x], t] == 3u[t, x] + 0.02 D[v[t, x], x, x] + u[t, x] ^3v[t, x], u[t, 0] == u[t, 1] == 1, u[0, x] == 1 + Sin[2 Pi x], v[t, 0] == v[t, 1] == 3, v[0, x] == 3}, {u, v}, {t, 0, 10}, {x, 0, 1}, StartingStepSize -> 1./206, MaxSteps -> {1000, 300}, DifferenceOrder -> 2] Interestingly enough, either way you do it, Mathematica is only able to carry out the solution out to about t == 0.035 or so. This appears to be because the nonlinearity is causing the solution to form a nonsingularity which appears as a cusp with rapidly rising height. The equations you wrote above would not converge to the solution of a PDE. This is because of the (delta (x))^3 in .02 (u_i-1 ? 2 u_i + u i+1)/(delta (x))^3 Any finite difference formula for the second derivative on a uniform grid will involve (delta (x))^2 -- i.e. squared, not cubed. At a fixed grid space, the extra power will have the effect of making the diffusion coefficient larger by a factor of n (which for your range of interest effectively removes to formation of the discontinuity). Presumably the (delta (x))^3 was a typo as was the u_i+1 instead of v_i+1 in .02 (v_i-1 ? 2 v_i + u i+1) However, if you really wanted the cubed power, here is how you could manually do the discretization with Mathematica: n = 205; X = N[Range[1, n]/(n + 1)]; U[t_] = Map[u[#][t] &, Range[1, n]]; V[t_] = Map[v[#][t] &, Range[1, n]]; eqns = Join[ Thread[D[U[t], t] == 1 - 4 U[t] + 0.02 ListCorrelate[N[{1, -2, 1} n^3], U[t], {2, 2}, 1] + U[t]^3 V[t]], Thread[ D[V[t], t] == 3 U[t] + 0.02 ListCorrelate[N[{1, -2, 1} n^3], V[t], {2, 2}, 3] + U[t]^3 V[t]], Thread[U[0] == 1 + Sin[X]], Thread[V[0] == 3 + 0. X]]; NDSolve[eqns, Join[U[t], V[t]], {t, 0, 10}] > > > Could i get code in Mathematica (by using Euler of 4 Runge - Kutta..)to > solve this ordinary differential equation. I do not recommend solving this with either an Euler method or a RungeKutta method for the reason that the potential formation of discontinuities could make the ODEs stiff. The default method Mathematica uses automatically switches to methods appropriate for stiff ODEs when needed. If you want to use a RungeKutta method, you can use NDSolve[eqns, Join[U[t], V[t]], {t, 0, 10}, Method->RungeKutta] This uses the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 4(5) method. > I am very happy if you give me help > With best regards > Khaled > > > _________________________________________________________________ > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: > > >