RE: Gridlines in contour Plots
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg38491] RE: [mg38473] Gridlines in contour Plots
- From: "David Park" <djmp at>
- Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 04:24:51 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Ross, That is an interesting problem and a useful solution. I am going to repeat your routine here because there was an extra line break that needed to be fixed when I copied it. Then I will give an example. gridlinestogo[{xlow_, xhigh_}, {ylow_, yhigh_}, color_:RGBColor[0., 0., 0.5]] := Module[{o, g, r}, o = AbsoluteOptions[Plot[(ylow*xhigh - yhigh*xlow)/ (xhigh - xlow) + ((yhigh - ylow)*x)/(xhigh - xlow), {x, xlow, xhigh}, Frame -> True, GridLines -> Automatic, DisplayFunction -> Identity]]; g = GridLines /. o; g = g /. RGBColor[0., 0., 0.5] -> color; r = PlotRange /. o; Join[({Sequence @@ #1[[2]], Line[{{#1[[1]], r[[2,1]]}, {#1[[1]], r[[2,2]]}}]} & ) /@ g[[1]], ({Sequence @@ #1[[2]], Line[{{r[[1,1]], #1[[1]]}, {r[[1,2]], #1[[1]]}}]} & ) /@ g[[2]]]] Example... ContourPlot[Sin[x*y], {x, -(Pi/2), Pi/2}, {y, -(Pi/2), Pi/2}, ColorFunction -> Hue, Contours -> 10, PlotPoints -> 50, Epilog -> gridlinestogo[{-(Pi/2), Pi/2}, {-(Pi/2), Pi/2}, GrayLevel[0]]]; The following more straightforward solution doesn't work because ContourPlot won't accept GridLines as an option. gridlines = Table[{x, GrayLevel[1]}, {x, -Pi/2, Pi/2, Pi/8}]; ContourPlot[Sin[x*y], {x, -Pi/2, Pi/2}, {y, -Pi/2, Pi/2}, ColorFunction -> Hue, Contours -> 10, PlotPoints -> 25, GridLines -> {gridlines, gridlines}]; We could get around this by the following code. First we have to load the FilledPlot package. (Every night I pray for world peace and that WRI will see fit to make AxesFront a general Graphics option instead of burying it in FilledPlot - not necessarily in that order!) 1) Make the ContourPlot and convert it from ContourGraphics to Graphics. 2) Suppress the extra plot with DisplayFunction -> Identity. 3) Show the resulting plot with GridLines -> Automatic. 4) Turn the DisplayFunction back on. 5) Use AxesFront to put the grid lines in front. Needs["Graphics`FilledPlot`"] Show[Graphics[ ContourPlot[Sin[x*y], {x, -Pi/2, Pi/2}, {y, -Pi/2, Pi/2}, ColorFunction -> Hue, Contours -> 10, PlotPoints -> 25, DisplayFunction -> Identity]], GridLines -> Automatic, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction, AxesFront -> True]; With the DrawGraphics package from my web site an easier and more intuitive approach can be taken. First, the FilledPlot package is automatically loaded whenever AxesFront is used. The ContourDraw statement is just like ContourPlot except that it converts to Graphics and extracts the primitive graphics. The side plot is also automatically eliminated. The only slight disadvantage is that the overall plot options such as Frame and AspectRatio are thrown away by ContourDraw and must be given in the Draw2D statement. The big advantage is that you could add any other graphical objects such as plotted curves, lines etc., just by listing them after ContourDraw. Draw2D[ {ContourDraw[Sin[x*y], {x, -Pi/2, Pi/2}, {y, -Pi/2, Pi/2}, ColorFunction -> Hue, Contours -> 10, PlotPoints -> 25]}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, Frame -> True, GridLines -> Automatic, AxesFront -> True]; DrawGraphics also has CustomTicks and CustomGridLines routines. Here the ticks and grid lines run in multiples of Pi/8. Draw2D[ {ContourDraw[Sin[x*y], {x, -(Pi/2), Pi/2}, {y, -(Pi/2), Pi/2}, ColorFunction -> Hue, Contours -> 10, PlotPoints -> 25]}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, Frame -> True, FrameTicks -> {CustomTicks[Identity, {-Pi/2, Pi/2, Pi/8, 1}], CustomTicks[Identity, {-Pi/2, Pi/2, Pi/8, 1}], None, None}, GridLines -> {CustomGridLines[Identity, {-(Pi/2), Pi/2, Pi/8}, {White}], CustomGridLines[Identity, {-(Pi/2), Pi/2, Pi/8}, {White}]}, AxesFront -> True, ImageSize -> 450]; David Park djmp at From: Ross Sean Civ AFRL/DELO [mailto:Sean.Ross at] To: mathgroup at I noticed that there are no Gridlines option in Contour graphics. I am kind of partial to Gridlines because it makes graphs a lot easier to read and get numbers from in hard copy. I decided to piggyback off of the automatic gridlines option in other 2-D graphics. I also added an optional color that the normal Gridlines option doesn't have. To use it, just put Epilog->gridlinestogo[{xlow,xhigh},{ylow,yhigh},optionalcolor] in your contour graphics plot. Clear[gridlinestogo]; gridlinestogo[{xlow_,xhigh_},{ylow_,yhigh_},color_:RGBColor[0.,0.,0.5]]:=Mod ule[{o,g,r}, o=AbsoluteOptions[ Plot[ (ylow xhigh - yhigh xlow )/(xhigh-xlow)+ (yhigh-ylow)/(xhigh-xlow) x, {x,xlow,xhigh}, Frame->True, GridLines->Automatic, DisplayFunction->Identity]]; g=GridLines/.o; g=g/.RGBColor[0.,0.,0.5]->color; r=PlotRange/.o; Join[ Map[{Sequence@@#[[2]],Line[{{#[[1]],r[[2,1]]},{#[[1]],r[[2,2]]}}]}&, g[[1]]], Map[{Sequence@@#[[2]],Line[{{r[[1,1]],#[[1]]},{r[[1,2]],#[[1]]}}]}&, g[[2]] ] ] ] Dr. Sean Ross AFRL/DELO 3550 Aberdeen Ave. SE building 761 Kirtland AFB, NM 87117 email: Sean.Ross at