MathGroup Archive 2002

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Tracing Evaluation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg32876] Tracing Evaluation
  • From: "Umby" <umprisco at>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 04:35:40 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: C.D.S. Centro di Servizi Didattico Scientifico
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi Math Group,

I would like to visualize the set of iterations that the built-up function
FindMinimum carry out searching the minimum.
For exemple when I write:

FindMinimum[x\^4 + 3 \( x\^2\) y + 5  y\^2 + x + y, {x, 0.1}, {y, 0.2}]

I would like to see the the values of x and y got for every iteration. With
the Trace function I've got the following empty output:

{FindMinimum[x  + 3 x  y + 5 y  + x + y, {x, 0.1}, {y, 0.2}],

  {$MessageList = {}, {}}, {$MessageList = {}, {}}, {$MessageList = {}, {}},

  {$MessageList = {}, {}}, {$MessageList = {}, {}}, {$MessageList = {}, {}},

  {$MessageList = {}, {}}, {$MessageList = {}, {}}, {$MessageList = {}, {}},

  {$MessageList = {}, {}}, {$MessageList = {}, {}}, {$MessageList = {}, {}},

  {$MessageList = {}, {}}, {$MessageList = {}, {}}, {$MessageList = {}, {}},

  {$MessageList = {}, {}}, {$MessageList = {}, {}}, {$MessageList = {}, {}},

  {x =. , Null}, {y =. , Null}, {-0.832579, {x -> -0.886326,
y -> -0.335672}}}

How can I do?

kind regards

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