Find all complex root in a region
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg38072] Find all complex root in a region
- From: mutte75 at (Massimiliano Casaletti)
- Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 14:09:57 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi all, i have to find all the roots in a region of this equation for a sweep of value in w : function[z_,w_]:=Module[{k0,sl},k0=w/(3*10^8);sl=(Sqrt[k0^2-z^2])/(377*k0)-(I*Sqrt[e*k0^2-z^2])/(377*k0*Tan[o*Sqrt[e*k0^2-z^2]])+I w a (1 - b t w^2)/((1 - b t w^2)*(1 - g a w^2) - b a w^2)]; where a,b,g,t,o,e are costs: o=0.00406 e=1.001 b=0.048*10^(-9) t=0.4521*10^(-12) g=0.396*10^(-9) a=0.176*10^(-12) I've tried with the following function posted by Selwyn Hollis: shotgun[fn_, {z_Symbol, z1_?NumericQ, z2_?NumericQ, dz_?NumericQ}, tol_?NumericQ, fuzz_?NumericQ]:= Module[{gridpts,shot,solns}, (* Construct a list of grid points. The mesh size is dz.*) gridpts = Table[x + I*y, {x,Re[z1],Re[z2],dz}, {y,Im[z1],Im[z2],dz}]; (* It's a bit faster if we compile Abs[fn]. *) fc = Compile[{{z,_Complex,2}}, Abs[fn]]; (* Keep only the grid points where Abs[fn] < tol. *) starters = Extract[gridpts, Position[fc[gridpts], _?(#<tol&)]]; (* Map FindRoot through the list of starting points.*) shot = Chop@FindRoot[fn,{z,#}]&/@starters; (* Sort by magnitude and remove "repetitions". A "repetition" occurs when consecutive solutions differ by less than fuzz. *) solns = Sort[shot,(Abs[z/.#1] < Abs[z/.#2])&]; solns = First/@Split[solns,(Abs[(z/.#1)-(z/.#2)] < fuzz)&]; (* Sort again and remove "repetitions". *) First/@Split[Sort[solns],(Abs[(z/.#1)-(z/.#2)] < fuzz)&] ] It works fine with some function but not with the mine. Does anybody know how to change it, to make it works fine? Thanks, Massimiliano Casaletti P.S. Sorry for my english