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RE: Opinions about the "Oneliners"

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg40349] RE: [mg40315] Opinions about the "Oneliners"
  • From: David.Annetts at
  • Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 04:36:54 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi Olivier,

> I don't know whether this topic has been discussed ever since before.
> I like those socalled "Oneliners" to solve this or that 
> problem. It shows 
> up, how elegant and effective the Mathematica language can be.

Mathematica's language can be very effective in describing a problem.  In
part, this is due to it's functional nature, so that one can write a whole
series of operations as a nested operation.  

In part, it's effectiveness is also due to a culture that writes functions
in such a way that they are self documenting.  For example, it is in general
much easier to understand something like Fourier[data] than it is to
understand fftd(data) which is that case with (say) old Fortran libraries or
another system.
> But to be honest: Isn't it a torture trying to understand the 
> "how does it work" of a oneliner written by some else?

In my experience, you just strip back the oneliner, and apply it in sequence
until you have the completed operation.  So, for a oneliner of the form
result = f1[f2[f3[data]]], it is often instructive to rewrite this as
	r2 = f3[data];
	r1 = f2[r3];
	result = f1[r1];
in order to see what is being done.  This is essentially TreeForm, although
I have never used this function per se.  No matter the language, at some
point, you're going to have to do this in order to understand what a bit of
code does, especially if that code is useful.

> Is it useful to use //TreeForm to visualize the inner structure of a 
> oneliner (where is the "inner beginning")
> The vast majority of oneliners presented here lack on 
> comments. Despite of 
> the wonderful constructs, is this good programming style?

I think that is a completely different question -- my good style, can easily
be another's unreadable gibberish;)  I think it's good style to write code
in such a way that it is easy to understand what is going on at a glance.  

For Mathematica, the style question is complicated by shorthand forms so
that f /@ data requires one to remember what the sequence "/@" means (did we
really mean /@ or //@ or @@).  I'd suggest that writing Map[f, data] leads
to greater understanding and code that is easier to maintain.  The problem
is that shorthand forms are very easy to use, especially with encroaching


  Dr. David Annetts
  EM Modelling Analyst
  CSIRO DEM            Tel: +612 9490 5416
  North Ryde           Fax: +612 9490 5467
  Australia         David.Annetts at

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