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Locating errors

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg43060] Locating errors
  • From: "Jonathan Greenberg" <greenberg at>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 01:46:49 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I have had a hard time linking errors in Mathematica to actual code I've
typed -- when I get something like:

CompiledFunction::cfte: Compiled expression -2.42601 should be a rank 1
tensor of machine-size real numbers.

CompiledFunction::cfex: External evaluation error at instruction 18214;
proceeding with uncompiled evaluation.

Is there any way to get a workbook location, or even a direct "quote" of the
line that is causing the problem?  Where is instruction 18214 -- is there
any way to print that out?


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