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Re: Re: X-windows display of Mathematica graphics run remotely on Mac OS X machine

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg43157] Re: [mg43131] Re: X-windows display of Mathematica graphics run remotely on Mac OS X machine
  • From: "Eric L. Strobel" <fyzycyst at>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 04:27:04 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: fyzycyst at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

on 08/14/03 5:07 AM, Lot-o-fun at lotofun at wrote:

>> Seems as if what you really want is an X11 front end.  Then you do as
>> 'normal', i.e., fire up the local front end and have it talk to the kernel
>> on the Mac.  Unless you're really wanting the Mac to be sending the
>> window/graphics info, i.e. run an X11 front end on the Mac but have it
>> display on the other machine.  In that case, I'm completely clueless (though
>> my guess is that it can't be done that way).
> An X11 front end that runs on the Mac would be fine.  Even better would
> be a way to display graphics only using X11, so that at any computer
> that has X11 capability, I could login remotely to the Mac and run
> Mathematica on the command line but not give up the graphics.

What you describe is pretty much *exactly* what a front end does.  So, you'd
be using an X11 front end on whatever box you're on and it would connect to
a kernel running on the Mac.  (Note: no need to have an X11 front end
running on the Mac, although such a thing is at least theoretically possible
given that Apple has released an X11 for OS X.)

- Eric.

Eric Strobel (fyzycyst at NOSPAM^

I'm searching for myself...  If I get back before I return, please
make sure I stay here.

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