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RE: Condensing a 4-Tensor into a 2-Tensor

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg45140] RE: [mg45116] Condensing a 4-Tensor into a 2-Tensor
  • From: "Wolf, Hartmut" <Hartmut.Wolf at>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 06:55:15 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ashok. R [mailto:ashokr at]
To: mathgroup at
>Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 1:55 PM
>To: mathgroup at
>Subject: [mg45140] [mg45116] Condensing a 4-Tensor into a 2-Tensor
>I have a 4-Tensor H, whose components are given by H[i,j,k,l]. 
>The tensor
>has minor symmetries so that H[i,j,k,l] = H[j,i,k,l] = 
>H[i,j,l,k]. So there
>are only 36 distinct components in this tensor. I want to 
>condense these
>into a 6x6 2-tensor (Matrix), D, with the following rules:
>D(1,1) should map to H[1,1,1,1]
>D(1,2) should map to H[1,1,2,2]
>D(1,3) should map to H[1,1,3,3]
>D(1,4) should map to H[1,1,1,2]
>D(1,5) should map to H[1,1,1,3]
>D(1,6) should map to H[1,1,2,3] and so on.
>Basically for D(i,j) :
>If i<=3, replace i with i,i   in  H
>If i = 4, replace i with 1,2 in H
>If i = 5, replace i with 1,3 in H
>if i = 6, replace i with 2,3 in H
>The rules are the same for j:
>If j<=3, replace j with j,j  H
>If j = 4, replace j with 1,2 in H
>If j = 5, replace j with 1,3 in H
>if j = 6, replace j with 2,3 in H
>The only way I can think of is the tedious way of assigning 
>all 3,6 entries
>individually. Is there a shorter, more elegant way to do this ?

We first go for the simpler problem 3 x 3  <--> 6

Transformation from 6-vector to 3 x 3 matrix:

from6to33[{a1_, a2_, a3_, a4_, a5_, a6_}] :=
  {{a1, a4, a5},
   {a4, a2, a6},
   {a5, a6, a3}}

In[2]:= smallD = Array[d, {6}]
{d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6]}

In[3]:= smallH = from6to33[smallD]
{{d[1], d[4], d[5]}, {d[4], d[2], d[6]}, {d[5], d[6], d[3]}}

Inverse Transformation:

from33to6[{{a1_, a4_, a5_},
           {a4_, a2_, a6_},
           {a5_, a6_, a3_}}] := 
  {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6}

In[5]:= from33to6[smallH]
Out[5]= {d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6]}

Now for the more complicated case:

In[6]:= bigD = Array[dd, {6, 6}];

In[7]:= bigH = from6to33[from6to33 /@ bigD];

Table[bigH[[i, j, k, l]] == bigH[[j, i, k, l]] == bigH[[i, j, l, k]],
  {i, 3}, {j, 3}, {k, 3}, {l, 3}]
{{{{True, True, True}, {True, True, True}, {True, True, True}},
  {{True, True, True}, {True, True, True}, {True, True, True}},
  {{True, True, True}, {True, True, True}, {True, True, True}}},
 {{{True, True, True}, {True, True, True}, {True, True, True}},
  {{True, True, True}, {True, True, True}, {True, True, True}},
  {{True, True, True}, {True, True, True}, {True, True, True}}},
 {{{True, True, True}, {True, True, True}, {True, True, True}},
  {{True, True, True}, {True, True, True}, {True, True, True}},
  {{True, True, True}, {True, True, True}, {True, True, True}}}}

In[9]:= from33to6 /@ from33to6[bigH]
{{dd[1, 1], dd[1, 2], dd[1, 3], dd[1, 4], dd[1, 5], dd[1, 6]},
 {dd[2, 1], dd[2, 2], dd[2, 3], dd[2, 4], dd[2, 5], dd[2, 6]},
 {dd[3, 1], dd[3, 2], dd[3, 3], dd[3, 4], dd[3, 5], dd[3, 6]},
 {dd[4, 1], dd[4, 2], dd[4, 3], dd[4, 4], dd[4, 5], dd[4, 6]},
 {dd[5, 1], dd[5, 2], dd[5, 3], dd[5, 4], dd[5, 5], dd[5, 6]},
 {dd[6, 1], dd[6, 2], dd[6, 3], dd[6, 4], dd[6, 5], dd[6, 6]}}

alternatively you might go to bigH from bigD:

In[11]:= Map[from6to33, from6to33[bigD], {2}];
In[12]:= % == bigH
Out[12]= True

and back, alternatively:

In[15]:= from33to6[Map[from33to6, bigH, {2}]];
In[16]:= % == bigD
Out[16]= True

Another way to look at these pair of transformations would be:

Map[from6to33, Map[from6to33, bigD, {1}], {0}];
Map[from6to33, Map[from6to33, bigD, {0}], {2}];


Map[from33to6, Map[from33to6, bigH, {2}], {0}]
Map[from33to6, Map[from33to6, bigH, {0}], {1}]

Well, I'm gonna playing. Define

FoldMap[f_, obj_, list_] := Fold[Map[f, #1, {#2}] &, obj, list]

And use a single name

trans[v : {a1_, a2_, a3_, a4_, a5_, a6_}] := from6to33[v]
trans[m : {{a1_, a4_, a5_},
        {a4_, a2_, a6_},
        {a5_, a6_, a3_}}] := from33to6[m]


In[40]:= FoldMap[trans, bigD, {0, 2}] == bigH
Out[40]= True
In[41]:= FoldMap[trans, bigH, {2, 0}] == bigD
Out[41]= True
In[42]:= FoldMap[trans, bigD, {1, 0}] == bigH
Out[42]= True
In[43]:= FoldMap[trans, bigH, {0, 1}] == bigD
Out[43]= True

of course you now could introduce names 
forth = {1, 0} (or was it {0, 2} ?) and 
back = Reverse[forth]...

Possibly your 6-vector representation of the symmetric 3-tensors is not
suited best. Perhaps you might like to look for a scalar (x) spin-2

Hartmut Wolf

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