Copy as InputForm
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg45171] Copy as InputForm
- From: drbob at (Bobby R. Treat)
- Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 06:57:38 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Some of you already know this, but here's a nice way to clean up Mathematica code and output before pasting it into e-mail (or other text programs). Omega Consulting wrote the palette involved, which performs "copy as InputForm". Note to Wolfram: THIS SHOULD BE BUILT IN TO THE MATHEMATICA MENUS! I put the palette in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Mathematica\Applications\InputForm\FrontEnd\Palettes Step 1) Create that directory (you can use a different name for the InputForm directory if you want, or use a directory that already exists in that position, like Utilities). Step 2) Select the code below (all of it, and nothing else). Step 3) Copy it. Step 4) Paste it into Mathematica. Step 5) Answer yes when Mathematica asks if you want to convert the expression. (Then you should see a new, untitled palette on your screen.) Step 6) Close Mathematica, and it should ask if you want to save the untitled palette. Save it in the above directory, name it whatever you want. I named mine InputForm, so it became InputForm.nb. Step 7) Reopen Mathematica. Step 8) File>Palettes should show the new palette, and you're in bidness. I leave the palette always open. Select anything you want to copy into a text program, push the palette button, and paste where you want it. If the button turns out bigger than you like, reduce the number after "Magnification->" near the bottom of the code. Bobby code follows... Notebook[{ Cell[BoxData[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Copy", " ", "As"}], "\n", " ", "InputForm"}], ButtonFunction:>Module[ {cpy, cpynb, evalnb}, CompoundExpression[ Set[ cpy, NotebookRead[ InputNotebook[ ]]], If[ SameQ[ cpy, {}], Return[ ]], Set[ cpynb, NotebookCreate[ Visible -> False]], NotebookWrite[ cpynb, cpy], SelectionMove[ cpynb, All, Notebook], FrontEndExecute[ { FrontEndToken[ cpynb, "SelectionConvert", "InputForm"]}], Set[ evalnb, NotebookPut[ Notebook[ Map[ Cell[ #, "Input"]&, { BoxData[ RowBox[ {"cpynb", "=", ToBoxes[ cpynb]}]], "FrontEndExecute[{FrontEndToken[cpynb, \ \"CopySpecial\",\"PlainText\"]}]", "NotebookClose[cpynb]", "NotebookClose[EvaluationNotebook[]]"}], Visible -> False]]], SelectionMove[ evalnb, All, Notebook], SelectionEvaluate[ evalnb], Null]], ButtonEvaluator->Automatic, Active->True]], NotebookDefault, CellMargins->{{Inherited, Inherited}, {7, Inherited}}, PageBreakAbove->True, CellLabelMargins->{{12, Inherited}, {Inherited, Inherited}}, InputAutoReplacements->{ "->"->"\[Rule]", ":>"->"\[RuleDelayed]", "<="->"\[LessEqual]", ">="->"\[GreaterEqual]", "!="->"\[NotEqual]", "=="->"\[Equal]", Inherited}, "TwoByteSyntaxCharacterAutoReplacement"->True, Hyphenation->True, LineSpacing->{1.25, 0}, ScriptMinSize->9, CounterIncrements->"Text", StyleMenuListing->None, FontFamily->"Courier"] }, FrontEndVersion->"5.0 for Microsoft Windows", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1280}, {0, 967}}, ClosingAutoSave->True, Editable->False, WindowToolbars->{}, PageWidth->334, WindowSize->{116, 56}, WindowMargins->{{Automatic, 5}, {72, Automatic}}, WindowFrame->"Palette", WindowElements->{}, WindowFrameElements->"CloseBox", WindowClickSelect->False, ScrollingOptions->{"PagewiseScrolling"->True, "VerticalScrollRange"->Fit}, ShowCellBracket->False, CellMargins->{{0, 0}, {Inherited, 0}}, Active->True, CellOpen->True, ShowCellLabel->False, ShowCellTags->False, ImageMargins->{{0, Inherited}, {Inherited, 0}}, Magnification->1.5 ]