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Re: Mathematica Evaluation Process

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg39655] Re: [mg39597] Mathematica Evaluation Process
  • From: Omega Consulting <info at>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 00:33:42 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Boy, those are some tough questions. I doubt there are many people who 
could answer all of these. But I'll try and add what I know.

At 01:57 AM 2/25/2003, Ersek, Ted R wrote:
>For a long time I have wanted to include on my webstite an explanation of
>all processing an expression goes through from input to output (ignoring the
>Math Link protocal).
>Omega Consulting just put out a partial explanation at
>Many years ago David Withoff gave the explanation posted at
>As far as I am aware the most complete explanation was giiven by David
>in his book "Power Programming With Mathematica The Kernel".  Unfortunately
>this wonderful book is out of print!
>However, there are some things that have never been explained as far as I
>(1)   How does pattern matching and all the tricky things that go with it
>(HoldPattern, Verbatim, OneIdentity, DefaultValues, ...)  fit into the
>Mathematica evaluation process?

I don't think Verbatim, HoldPattern, and DefaultValues are additional steps 
in the evaluation process. What they do is alter the pattern matching 
during the processing of UpValues, DownValues, and SubValues.

As for OneIdentity, that must be processed before pattern matching occurs 
(perhaps around the same time as Flat, see A.4.1 of The Mathematica Book). 
That's just a guess. I don't know for sure.

In a related issue, when processing the patterns in the standard evaluation 
scheme, the patterns in definitions are applied to see if the expression 
matches the pattern. If the arguments have been kept unevaluated (via 
Unevaluated or a holding attribute), this can have some unusual effects.

If you use a structural pattern (such as x_List), no evaluation occurs, the 
unevaluated structure is simply compared against the pattern. But if the 
pattern contains a test, then the test is evaluated, which can evaluate the 
argument whether or not the test succeeds. If the test does succeed, the 
pattern is matched against the unevaluated expression. So you can get 
double evaluation.

In[1]:=g[x_List] := x

In[2]:=g[x_] := 2



In[4]:=f[x_?ListQ] := x

In[5]:=f[x_] := 2

 From In[6]:=arg
 From In[6]:=arg

>(2)   How do definitions assigned to  $PreRead, $Pre, $Post, $PrePrint,
>MakeExpression, MakeBoxes, Format[symb]  fit into the evaluation process?  I
>tried to explain what these things do and the order in which they are used
>on my website.
>but I couldn't  determine with good confidence where they fit in the
>evaluation process.
>(3)   The definition   foo[a_][x_,y_]:={a,x^2-y^2}  is stored in
>SubValues[foo].  When in the evaluation process is such a definition used?

According to A.4.1 of The Mathematica Book, they're evaluated at the same 
time as DownValues.

>(4)   A definitions for  N[foo[x_]]  is stored in  NValues[foo].  When in
>the evaluation process are the NValues used?

It was always my understanding that NValues worked like this.

N[foo[x]] first evaluates foo[x].
If foo[x] evaluates to something, it then does N[something].
If foo[x] remains unevaluated, then it uses the NValue.


In[2]:=N[f[x_]]:= N[x]



So the NValue acts similar to an UpValue. (like f /: N[f[...]] := ...)

>(5)   When in the evaluation process does the kernel use or change
>assignments to $IterationLimit, $HistoryLength, $MessageList, Out[n]?
>    Ted Ersek

Omega Consulting
"The final answer to your Mathematica needs"

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