Multivariate-T Simulation Problem
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg38986] Multivariate-T Simulation Problem
- From: KyriakosChourdakis <tuxedomoon at>
- Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 08:05:54 -0500 (EST)
- Reply-to: k.chourdakis at
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Dear all, I am trying to simulate a multivariate t-distribution, and encounter the following problem: (* First load the packages *) <<Statistics`MultinormalDistribution` <<LinearAlgebra`MatrixManipulation` NS = 2; (* the number of series *) df = 20; (* the degrees of freedom - Since the number is large, it should make the t similar to a normal *) (* Create a random variance-covariance matrix *) rS0 = RandomArray[UniformDistribution[-0.30, 0.80],{NS, NS}]; rS0 = rS0.Transpose[rS0]; rS0 = (rS0/Max[rS0]) (1 - IdentityMatrix[NS]) + IdentityMatrix[NS]; (* the var-covar matrix is *) rS0 {{1, -0.290755}, {-0.290755, 1 }} (* create 10000 draws of 2 dimensional vectors *) ET = Transpose[RandomArray[MultivariateTDistribution[rS0, df], 10000]]; (* the theoretical cov matrix is ok, with var=df/[df-2]... *) ST = N[CovarianceMatrix[MultivariateTDistribution[rS0, df]]] {{1.11111, -0.323061}, {-0.323061, 1.11111}} (* ... But the simulated variance is not*) Mean /@ ET Variance /@ ET {-0.00426186, 0.00824351} {0.067534, 0.0670659} (* On the other hand, if I draw from the corresponding multinormal *) EN = Transpose[RandomArray[MultinormalDistribution[{0, 0}, ST], 10000]]; (* Everything is OK *) Mean /@ EN Variance /@ EN {0.0196956, -0.00675908} (* Should be 0 *) {1.1362, 1.1099} (* Should be 1.111 *) I cannot understand why the simulated variance is 0.067 instead of 1.111/[20-2]. Alternatively, why should I multiply all values with sqrt(1.111/0.067)=4. Best, Kyriakos __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts