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Re: Why is it so???

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg42440] Re: [mg42426] Why is it so???
  • From: Omega Consulting <info at>
  • Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 04:37:21 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

At 05:57 AM 7/6/2003, Mike wrote:
>A few things puzzle me even though they are not vital:
>3. I have highlighted some comments in input cells in red, i.e. (* red
>comments *). I have my stylesheet configured with the print versions of
>input specifically defined with FontColor->GrayLevel[0].  Yet when I print
>the red stuff still comes out red!  Why doesn't the printout specification
>of my stylesheet overule localised stuff in a cell?

This has to do with inheritance. When you explicitly add an option 
(FontColor in this case) it overrides all cell style options (for working 
and printout environments).

What you can do is create a new cell style for your comments:
-Select the Format>Edit Style Sheet menu.
-Select create private style sheet
-Make a copy of the Input style definitions
-Use the Format>Show Expression menu on the copy
-Change the StyleData from "Input" to a new name (e.g. "Comment")
-Use the Format>Show Expression menu to reformat the cells

Now set the new style to look like what you want:
-Set the color of the main prototype to be red.
-Set the color of the printout environment to be black

Then select a comment and use the Format>Style>Comment menu on it.

>4. The magical addition of slashes has been discussed elsewhere in this
>group is also an irritation. That discussion was in the context of notebooks
>transferred across platforms. I find that slashes magically appear in
>notebooks I haven't opened for awhile (yet have not moved from my hard
>drive). Why?

Perhaps the following will help

>This is all happening with V4.2 on Mac OS X.

Omega Consulting
"The final answer to your Mathematica needs"

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