RE: Movies
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg42531] RE: [mg42501] Movies
- From: "David Park" <djmp at>
- Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 20:53:10 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Steffen, Here is an example: Needs["Graphics`Animation`"] f[x_, y_] := (100 - x^2)y/100 frame[y_] := Plot[f[x, y], {x, -10, 10}, Epilog -> {Text[SequenceForm["y = ", y], Scaled[{0.05, 0.9}], {-1, 0}]}, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> {{-10.02, 10.02}, {-1, 110}}, ImageSize -> 400] Animate[frame[y], {y, 0, 100, 2}] SelectionMove[EvaluationNotebook[], All, GeneratedCell] FrontEndTokenExecute["OpenCloseGroup"]; Pause[0.01]; FrontEndExecute[{FrontEnd`SelectionAnimate[200, AnimationDisplayTime -> 0.1, AnimationDirection -> ForwardBackward]}] In doing an animation you need to specify the same PlotRange for each frame. Otherwise, Mathematica uses PlotRange -> Automatic, and the y range may vary from frame to frame giving a jumpy animation. David Park djmp at From: Steffen [mailto:nnnx at] To: mathgroup at Hi all, this is the first time i participate this Newsgroup. Therefore I don´t know whether or not this task has been posted before. I looked through the posts but did not find anything. So here is my problem: I would like to build up a little movie showing me the behaviour of a function f(x,y). Let us assume to plot the function from {x,-10,10} holding the parameter y fixed (lets say y = 1). This results in a 2D plot. Now I want to vary y from 1 to 100. This means to plot f(x,1) to f(x,100) in a row. Of course one can use "MoviePlot" to generate 100 plots of f(x,1) to f(x,100) in a row. But how can I make a movie in one frame where I only have to click on it or something else. If there are any hints or suggestions, I would be very thankful. By all Steffen