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Re: solving a system of equations involving numerical integration

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg42586] Re: [mg42565] solving a system of equations involving numerical integration
  • From: Selwyn Hollis <selwynh at>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 03:45:05 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Aside from a missing ? and a bunch of extra brackets, the main problem 
is that FindRoot needs a pair of initial guesses for each variable, 
because symbolic derivatives for f and g can't be had. The following 
runs, but doesn't finish after a long time. Perhaps better initial 
guesses would help.

q[t_, x_, y_] := E^((-(1/2))*(Log[x] - Log[a] - t)^2 -
       (1/2)*(Log[y] - Log[b] - 0.02)^2)/(2*Pi*(100 + 5*x + 5*y)^0.5);

f[(a_)?NumericQ, (b_)?NumericQ] /; a != 0 || b != 0 :=
    NIntegrate[q[0.08,x,y]/y, {x, 0.001, Infinity}, {y, 0.001, 

g[(a_)?NumericQ, (b_)?NumericQ] /; a != 0 || b != 0 :=
    NIntegrate[q[0.03,x,y]/x, {x, 0.001, Infinity}, {y, 0.001, 

FindRoot[{a == 0.95*f[a, b]*(100 + 5*a + 5*b)^0.5,
    b == 0.95*g[a, b]*(100 + 5*a + 5*b)^0.5}, {a, 1, 10}, {b, 1, 10}]

Selwyn Hollis

On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 09:13  AM, Vladimira A Ilieva wrote:

> Could someone help me with the following code? I am trying to solve a
> system of two equations in two unknowns which involve evaluation of
> numerical integrals.
> Clear[f];
> Clear[g];
> Clear[a];
> Clear[b];
> f[a_?NumericQ,  b_?NumericQ] /; a != 0 || b != 0 := NIntegrate[1/(100 +
> 5*x + 5*y)^0.5*((1/(2*[Pi]* y))*((E^((-((Log[x] - Log[a] - 0.08)^2/2)) 
> -
> ((Log[y] - Log[b] - 0.02)^2/2)))), {x,0.001, [Infinity]}, {y, 0.001,
> [Infinity]}];
> g[a_?NumericQ,  b_NumericQ] /; a != 0 || b != 0 := NIntegrate[1/(100 + 
> 5*x
> + 5*y)^0.5*((1/(2*[Pi]*x))*((E^((-((Log[x] - Log[a] - 0.03)^2/2)) -
> ((Log[y] - Log[b] -0.02)^2/2)))), {x, 0.001, [Infinity]}, {y, 0.001,
> [Infinity]}];
> FindRoot[{a == 0.95*f[a, b]*(100 + 5*a + 5*b)^0.5 , b == 0.95*g[a, 
> b]*(100
> + 5*a + 5*b)^0.5},{a, 1},{b, 1}]
> Unfortunately, I get the following error message
> FindRoot::"nlnum"), "The function value (-0.5686685479617104`, - 
> 9.9636840576164
> 38`) is not a list of numbers with dimensions {2} at {a, b} = {1.`, 
> 1.`}General
> ::nlnum
> I would greatly appreciate any help!
> Sincerely, Vladimira

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