Re: A FullSimplify Problem
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg41077] Re: A FullSimplify Problem
- From: "Dr. Wolfgang Hintze" <weh at>
- Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 04:59:34 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <b8o20k$p28$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Ted, I played around with your integral but Mathematica wouldn't do the right thing (neither fixing parameter "a" numerically nor considering the indefinite integral and putting in upper and lower limits would help). Finally I came up with the main idea which I believe should always be tried if possible: modify the original function so that it doesn't contain branch cuts. In your case it works as follows (please import what follows below into a notebook). You can consider that whole procedure as "Simplifying". I admit it's neither obvious (at least to me) nor applicable in general. Hope that helps, nevertheless. Regards, Wolfgang (****************************) (* begin (****************************) (* New ansatz: avoid the "dangerous" Log branch cut by considering the derivative of the original function with respect to the parameter a *) (* The orginal function f was definied as *) In[405]:= h[a_, x_] := Log[1 - 2 a Cos[x] + a^2] f[a_] := Integrate[h[a, x], {x, 0, \[Pi]}] (* Consider the derivative of the integrand h[] with respect to the parameter a *) In[411]:= Clear[a]; m[a_, x_] := D[h[b, x], b] /. b -> a (* This looks much more friendly: *) In[413]:= m[a, x] Out[413]= \!\(\(2\ a - 2\ Cos[x]\)\/\(1 + a\^2 - 2\ a\ Cos[x]\)\) (* Now integrate with respect to x *) In[414]:= s[a_] := Integrate[m[a, x], {x, 0, \[Pi]}] (* Mathematica is happy to have no problems here! Simplifying helps to get a simple result: *) In[427]:= s[a] // Simplify // PowerExpand // Simplify Out[427]= \!\(\(2\ \[Pi]\)\/a\) (* Integration by hand would be obvious. Mathematica still makes things more complicated at first sight. But Simplifying again leads to the expected final result: *) In[434]:= t[a] := Integrate[s[y], y] /. y -> a // Simplify // PowerExpand In[435]:= t[a] Out[435]= 2 \[Pi] Log[a] (****************************) (* end (****************************) Ersek, Ted R wrote: > At > I learned that > Integrate[Log[1-2a Cos[x]+a^2],{x,0,Pi}] > = 2*Pi*Log[Abs[a]] > > Mathematica knows how to do this integral, but gives a much more complicated > result. Can anyone explain how to use FullSimplify and other > transformations to show that the complicated result Mathematica gives is > equivalent to the answer above? > > Thanks, > Ted Ersek > > >