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Re: Interpoint distances

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg41349] Re: [mg41327] Interpoint distances
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
  • Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 04:06:50 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Here is my attempt, although I am not sure whether you really want to 
count distances in the way you do, that is: when you have two pairs of 
points  with the same distance between them you count the distance only 
once? That's what your code seems to do, and as it seems to me 
undesirable I decided not to apply Union to mine.

Anyway, first of all I define distance in a somewhat different way and 
Compile it. That adds quite a lot of efficiency (and can be applied in 
your case also).


Now the function which tries to avoid "double counting".


My intD does not include the distance between any point and itself, 
which is of ocurse 0.  It does not use Sort or Union so the order in 
which the answers are given is different form yours. Let us now compare 
this with your code:

t = Table[{Random[], Random[]}, {4}];

using your code



with mine:



so the difference is the order and the absence of zero. Now let's 
compare speeds:

t = Table[{Random[], Random[]}, {500}];

Union[Map[distance, Flatten[Outer[List, t, t, 1],

{55.42 Second,Null}



{4.78 Second,Null}

so we gained about a factor of 10.

Andrzej Kozlowski
Yokohama, Japan

On Wednesday, May 14, 2003, at 09:20  pm, DIAMOND Mark R. wrote:

> I am trying to find an efficient method of calculating all the pairwise
> (Euclidean) interpoint distances in a given list of points in R^2. I 
> am sure
> that if my matrix algebra were any good, this would be solvable in a 
> better
> manner than I have done it. Ideally, I would like to count each pair of
> points only once, and not count points paired with themselves.I've 
> searched
> the archive, and tried the obvious combinations of words on Google, 
> but no
> luck.
> My slow method (but the fastest of those I've tried) is
> (* Define a distance function for a pair of points *)
> distance[{{x0_, y0_}, {x1_, y1_}}] := Module[
>     {
>       xd = x0 - x1,
>       yd = y0 - y1
>       },
>     Sqrt[xd^2 + yd^2]
>     ]
> (* Create a list of random points with which to experiment *)
> t=Table[{Random[], Random[]}, {1024}]
> (* Union in the next line is just used to get rid of all the 
> duplicates, and
> to dump all but one of the 0 interpoint distances between a point and 
> itself
> *)
> interpointDistances = Union[Map[distance, Flatten[Outer[List, t, t, 1],
> 1]]];
> I would be very grateful for any suggestions for improvement.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> --
> Mark R. Diamond

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