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AW: What Happens to Garbage in Mathematica?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg43922] AW: [mg43909] What Happens to Garbage in Mathematica?
  • From: Klamser at (Peter Klamser)
  • Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 04:03:42 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

... what happens to your trash, if it gets away with the garbage car?

If your system does not run out of memory, it is copied to the Null device...

The question is: Does Mathematica make a garbage collection by default?

To get rid of garbage, you should run the memory conserve package:


It is recommended to set the parameter


because it is set to 100000 by default. The garbage collection takes some time an if you start it to often, it takes more time then the evaluation of your commands...

It is also boring to read the memory conserve output if the garbage collection runs:

MemoryConserve::start: Running Share[] to conserve memory.
MemoryConserve::end: Finished running Share[]; 924424 bytes of memory freed.

To turn it off, you must change the code you find in the 

G:\Programme\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\5.0\AddOns\StandardPackages\Utilities

directory. You just should comment the Message statement out like

(*Message[ MemoryConserve::start] ;*) ...

(*Message[ MemoryConserve::end, res];*)

But you also can call the Share[ ] command every half hour, that does the same.



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Steven T. Hatton [mailto:hattons at]
Gesendet: Samstag, 11. Oktober 2003 07:33
An: mathgroup at
Betreff: [mg43909] What Happens to Garbage in Mathematica? 

What happens to the alocated memory of objects such as graphics primatives
when their variable are assigned new values?  For example, suppose I have a
thousand pairs of triple which I use to create a thousand Line objects. If
I then change the values of all the tripples, and create new Lines
assigning them to the same variables I used to store the original Lines,
what happens to the memory that held the original lines?


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