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ask for help on list operation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg44036] ask for help on list operation
  • From: sabrina <newbie at>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 03:12:41 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hello, all:
I need some suggestions on the scaling of list:
I have a set of 2 level list A:
      -0.07839 0.027997 -0.07962 0.009307 0.116985 0.971994 0.898549
      -0.04786 0.012652 -0.07927 0.009344 0.086011 0.981513 0.858625 1.0432
      -0.02895 0.006401 -0.07636 0.009381 0.067194 0.986076 0.819673
      -0.01743 0.003326 -0.07294 0.009418 0.055841 0.988423 0.782341
      -0.01074 0.01575 -0.06966 0.005007 0.049008 0.995316 0.746731 0.528657
      -0.00641 0.000256 -0.06627 0.00503 0.044812 0.995626 0.712755 0.531166
      -0.00382 2.89E-06 -0.06304 0.005052 0.04231 0.995686 0.680436 0.533686
      -0.00227 -0.00016 -0.05996 0.005075 0.04082 0.995643 0.649692 0.536218
      -0.00135 -0.00027 -0.05704 0.005097 0.039933 0.995534 0.620447
      -0.0008 -0.00035 -0.05426 0.00512 0.039406 0.995378 0.592629 0.541315

each sublist has 8 elements.
Now I need to find the maxima and minima for each column ( as above). I use
the following code:
minlist=Apply[Min, Transpose[A],1];

Now I want to use x'=(x-xmin)/(max-min) for each entry in the above matrix
How can I implement it in a list or matrix? Thanks


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