Re: DiscreteDelta Evaluation Question
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg49808] Re: DiscreteDelta Evaluation Question
- From: Paul Abbott <paul at>
- Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 18:48:40 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: The University of Western Australia
- References: <ced83t$q7d$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
In article <ced83t$q7d$1 at>, Ben <serpent11 at> wrote: > In evaluating Poisson brackets, I've gotten Mathematica to simplify > the brackets down to an infinite sum of deltafunctions, but though the > sum should be very easy to evaluate, I can't convince it to simplify > it. Here's a typical case that it won't simplify: > > Sum[(-Sqrt[-2] indx DiscreteDelta[2 - indx] - > 0.5 Sqrt[-1] DiscreteDelta[indx] DiscreteDelta[ > 2 - indx])((1 - Sqrt[2]) DiscreteDelta[indx] > DiscreteDelta[ > 2 - indx] + > Sqrt[2] DiscreteDelta[2 - indx]) - (Sqrt[-2] indx > DiscreteDelta[ > 2 - indx] + > 0.5 Sqrt[-1] DiscreteDelta[indx] DiscreteDelta[ > 2 - indx])((1 - Sqrt[2]) DiscreteDelta[indx] > DiscreteDelta[ > 2 - indx] + Sqrt[2] DiscreteDelta[2 - indx]), {indx, 1, > Infinity}] > > You can cut and paste it into a notebook. > > I've tried > > Unprotect[DiscreteDelta, Times]; > > DiscreteDelta[i_] * DiscreteDelta[i_] := DiscreteDelta[i]; > > Protect[DiscreteDelta, Times]; > > but it still won't evaluate this seemingly simple expression. You need to expand the summand and tell Mathematica that DiscreteDelta[i_]^2 -> DiscreteDelta[i]. Also, for exact computations, it is a good idea to replace 0.5 by 1/2. Sum[Expand[((-(1/2)) Sqrt[-1] DiscreteDelta[indx]* DiscreteDelta[2 - indx] + indx*DiscreteDelta[2 - indx]*(-Sqrt[-2]))* (DiscreteDelta[2 - indx]*DiscreteDelta[indx]*(1 - Sqrt[2]) + DiscreteDelta[2 - indx]*Sqrt[2]) - (indx*DiscreteDelta[2 - indx]* Sqrt[-2] + (1/2)*DiscreteDelta[2 - indx]*DiscreteDelta[indx]* Sqrt[-1])*(DiscreteDelta[2 - indx]* DiscreteDelta[indx]*(1 - Sqrt[2]) + DiscreteDelta[2 - indx]*Sqrt[2])], {indx, 1, Infinity}] /. DiscreteDelta[i_]^2 -> DiscreteDelta[i] Cheers, Paul -- Paul Abbott Phone: +61 8 9380 2734 School of Physics, M013 Fax: +61 8 9380 1014 The University of Western Australia (CRICOS Provider No 00126G) 35 Stirling Highway Crawley WA 6009 mailto:paul at AUSTRALIA