Re: contains 1044938 decimal digits)
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg49803] Re: contains 1044938 decimal digits)
- From: "Michael Taktikos" <michael.taktikos at>
- Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 18:48:34 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <7f4ffu$6dj$>, <>, <7g0qsd$> <cdvm0e$7hv$> <ce2ftd$8rh$> <> <ceap6b$aej$> <> <cei901$2jt$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
"Daniel Lichtblau" <danl at> wrote: > > There are very fast algorithms for computing Fibonacci numbers not using the exact > > formula. > > For instance, GMP (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library) [snip] > > --------------------------------------------- > > The result of executing fib (5000000) is: > > computation took 466 ms > > result is about 1044938 digits, not printing it > > --------------------------------------------- In the most cases, when we look at so large Fibonacci numbers, we are only intereted in the first and the last digits (in Mathematica by using the function Short). Remembering that the last d digits of Fibonacci numbers are repeating for d=1, 2, 3, ... with the periods 60, 300, 1500, ..., 15*10^(d-1), we can use the following superfast computation which gives the first f and the last l digits and the number of unshown digits: fiboNewShort[k_, f_, l_]:=Module[{erg,m,fibmaeder,lastDigits}, fibmaeder[n_]:= Module[{r11=1,r12=0,r22=1,digits=IntegerDigits[n-1,2],i,t}, Do[If[digits[[i]]==1,{r11,r22}={r11(r11+2r12),r12(r11+r22)}; r12=r11-r22,t=r12(r11+r22); {r11,r12}={r11(r11+2r12)-t,t}; r22=r11-r12],{i,Length[digits]-1}]; If[digits[[-1]]==1,r11(r11+2r12),r11(r11+r22)-(-1)^((n-1)/2)]]; lastDigits[n_, d_]:=Module[{pis,zyk}, Which[d==1,zyk=60,d==2,zyk=300, d>2, zyk=15*10^(d-1)]; Mod[fibmaeder[Mod[n,zyk]],10^d]]; m=MantissaExponent[ N[GoldenRatio^k/(2*GoldenRatio-1),35]]; erg=SequenceForm[Floor[m[[1]]*10^f],"<<",m[[2]]-f-l, ">>",lastDigits[k,l]]; erg] Now we test the build-in function with Fibonacci[1000000], and apply the command Short: Then we see the 38 first and the 39 last digits. Timing[Short[Fibonacci[1000000]]] {0.10 Second, 19532821287077577316320149475962563324<<208911>> 684684301719893411568996526838242546875} Our function can simulate this: Timing[fiboNewShort[1000000,38,39]] {0 Second, 19532821287077577316320149475962563324<<208911>> 684684301719893411568996526838242546875} Since the last digits are more time expansive than the first, when we apply large values we should try not so many last as first digits - example: 20 first and only 6 last digits: Timing[fiboNewShort[10^9,20, 6]] {0.16 Second, 79523178745546834678<<208987614>>546875} As you surely have seen, for the last digits I used the algorithm of Maeder and for the first digits my own formula. However, I think this is not unbeatable, and would be thankful for suggestionsto make it faster... Greetings from Hamburg, Michael Taktikos