Re: labeling problem
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg46446] Re: labeling problem
- From: bobhanlon at (Bob Hanlon)
- Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 03:01:53 -0500 (EST)
- References: <c0utqu$e60$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
lst={{a,b},{c,d},e,f,{g,h,i},j,k, {l.m},{n,o,p},q,{r,s},{{t}}}; ToExpression[Table[ "p"<>ToString[k]<> "="<>ToString[lst[[k]]], {k,Length[lst]}]]; p5 {g,h,i} p9 {n,o,p} Bob Hanlon In article <c0utqu$e60$1 at>, Janos <janos.lobb at> wrote: << I need to assign names to list elements in a nested list based upon their position in the nested list. For example if I have a list: lst = {{a,b},{c,d},e,f,{g,h,i},j,k,{l.m},{n,o,p},q,{r,s},{{t}}} then pos=Position[lst,{_,_,_}] will give me {{5}.{9}} Now, I am thinking to assign a unique name to the list elements on these positions, like p5={g,h,i} and p9={n,o,p}. I did not find yet how to create variable names with concatenation auto-magically from program. In other programming languages I can do something like this: var="p"+NumToString[5] &var={a,b,c} and I could refer to it afterward as p5 and its value would be {a,b,c}.