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Re: Custom Points (filled circles, etc) for Plots and ListPlots (summary)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg49632] Re: [mg49595] Custom Points (filled circles, etc) for Plots and ListPlots (summary)
  • From: DrBob <drbob at>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 02:55:35 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: drbob at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

DrawGraphics IS native Mathematica by now, as far as I'm concerned.


On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 03:47:25 -0400 (EDT), AES/newspost <siegman at> wrote:

> Some weeks back I posted a query about generating custom symbols, such
> as filled or opaque circles, for Plots and ListPlots.  The following is
> a summary of replies I received, and the solution I elected to go with.
> 1)  The solution I elected to pursue, as suggested by "Yas" and Bob
> Hanlon, is illustrated by the following example:
>         Needs["Graphics`Colors`"];
>         dataPoints=Table[{Random[Real,{-1,1}],Random[Real,{-5,5}]},{10}];
>         ListPlot[dataPoints,
>                 PlotJoined->True,
>                 PlotRange->{{-1,1},{-5,5}},
>                 ImageSize->5*72,
>         Epilog->{
>             White, Disk[#,Scaled[0.01{1, GoldenRatio}]]&/@dataPoints,
>             Red, AbsoluteThickness[3],
>             Circle[#, Scaled[0.01{1, GoldenRatio}]]&/@dataPoints}];
> Notes:
> *  Doing it this way, with the Disk before the Circle, creates a Circle
> with a red rim and a white fill, and doing this in an Epilog puts this
> white-filled circle over each data point, hiding the lines beneath the
> circle (if that's the way you want it).  Converting the Epilog to a
> Prolog draws the circles before the lines, so that the lines then
> overwrite the circles.
> *  If I used a custom AspectRatio, I'd presumably have to substitute
> that for the GoldenRatio.
> *  I went with this particular approach because it seems (to me, anyway)
> straightforward and readable; uses only standard Mathematica syntax and
> resources; and seems to produce straightforward and editable results
> when exported as EPS and edited in Illustrator.
> 2)  "Jens" suggested using the Mathematica \[FilledCircle] symbol, but
> (a) I'm don't see how it differs from just a Point or Disk, i.e., I
> don't see how to adjust fill and rim color separately; and (b) I'm not
> sure (though I didn't test) whether it will produce editable EPS when
> Exported.
> 3)  Hartmut Wolf wrote detailed suggestions on using the SymbolShape and
> other capabilities in the MultipleListPlot package (and thanks much for
> the information).  This is clearly a broader and more powerful approach,
> with more capability for expansion; but also more than I needed, or
> wanted to try to absorb, for my limited needs.
> 4)  David Park suggested that nice-looking points could be made using
> the  CirclePoint[location, absolutesize, rimcolor, diskcolor] capability
> from his (?) DrawGraphics package, which I suspect would indeed be very
> good for this and other purposes, but I preferred to stay within
> "native" Mathematica as above.
> Thanks to all, and I hope I've not misrepresented anything here.

DrBob at

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