Using NDSolve in NonlinearFit
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg48771] Using NDSolve in NonlinearFit
- From: "Dr. Ernst H.K. Stelzer" <stelzer at>
- Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 04:54:17 -0400 (EDT)
- Reply-to: <stelzer at>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi, I have been trying to use NDSolve inside various Fitting routines (NonlinearFit, FindFit, ...). Although the NDSolve works fine both inside and outside a Module wrapper once inside a "fit"-function the variables are never resolved. At least the Print inside the function returns names rather than numbers?? What is my mistake? Has anybody solved this problem differently? I do not wish to write a new Fit-function and search myslef if it can be avoided. The text below is copied as CellFormat and can be inserted and interpreted in any Mathematica Notebook. Sincerely Ernst -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Ernst H.K. Stelzer Tel: +49 (6221) 387354 Scientific Groupleader Fax: +49 (6221) 387306 Cell Biology and Biophysics Programme EMBL European Molecular Biology Laboratory Meyerhofstrasse 1 Postfach 10 22 09 69117 Heidelberg 69012 Heidelberg e-mail: mailto:stelzer at -------------------------------------------------------------------- { Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"models", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0", "'"}], "[", "c", "]"}], "\[Equal]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "a00a"}], RowBox[{"(", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0", "[", "c", "]"}], "-", "b0"}], ")"}]}]}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0a", "'"}], "[", "c", "]"}], "==", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"a00a", RowBox[{"(", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0", "[", "c", "]"}], "-", "b0"}], ")"}]}], "-", RowBox[{"a01", " ", RowBox[{"n0a", "[", "c", "]"}]}]}]}], ",", " ", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n1", "'"}], "[", "c", "]"}], "\[Equal]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"a01", " ", RowBox[{"n0a", "[", "c", "]"}]}], "-", RowBox[{"a11", " ", RowBox[{"n1", "[", "c", "]"}]}]}]}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0", "[", "0", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "n00"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0a", "[", "0", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "n0a0"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n1", "[", "0", "]"}], "==", "n10"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "}"}]}], ";"}]], "Input", CellLabel->"In[9]:="], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"parms", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"a00a", " ", "\[RuleDelayed]", " ", "1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"b0", " ", "\[RuleDelayed]", " ", "1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"a01", " ", "\[RuleDelayed]", " ", "1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"a11", " ", "\[RuleDelayed]", " ", "1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"n00", " ", "\[RuleDelayed]", " ", "10"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"n0a0", " ", "\[RuleDelayed]", " ", "5"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"n10", " ", "\[RuleDelayed]", " ", "3"}]}], "}"}]}], ";"}]], "Input", CellLabel->"In[10]:="], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"sol1", "=", 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RowBox[{"InterpolatingFunction", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0.`", ",", "10.`"}], "}"}], "}"}], ",", "\<\"<>\"\>"}], "]"}], False, Editable->False], "[", "c", "]"}]}]}], "}"}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[11]="] }, Open ]], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Plot", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Evaluate", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0", "[", "c", "]"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"n0a", "[", "c", "]"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"n1", "[", "c", "]"}]}], "}"}], "/.", "sol1"}], "]"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"c", ",", " ", "0", ",", " ", "10"}], "}"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"AxesLabel", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\"\<[c]\>\"", ",", " ", "\"\<[#]\>\""}], "}"}]}]}], "]"}], ";"}]], "Input", CellLabel->"In[12]:="], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"data", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"Table", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"c", ",", " ", RowBox[{"First", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Evaluate", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0", "[", "c", "]"}], "/.", "sol1"}], "]"}], " ", "+", " ", RowBox[{"Random", "[", RowBox[{"Real", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",", " ", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}], "}"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "c", ",", " ", "0", ",", " ", "10", ",", " ", "0.2"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";"}]], "Input", CellLabel->"In[13]:="], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"ListPlot", "[", "data", "]"}]], "Input", CellLabel->"In[14]:="], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ "\[SkeletonIndicator]", "Graphics", "\[SkeletonIndicator]"}], False, Editable->False]], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[14]="] }, Open ]], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"<<", "Statistics`NonlinearFit`"}]], "Input", CellLabel->"In[3]:="], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"vars", " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"a00a", " ", "\[Rule]", " ", "x1"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"b0", " ", "\[Rule]", " ", "x2"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"a01", " ", "\[Rule]", " ", "x3"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"n00", " ", "\[Rule]", " ", "x5"}]}], "}"}]}], ";"}]], "Input", CellLabel->"In[15]:="], Cell[BoxData[ 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SuperscriptBox["n0a", "\[Prime]", MultilineFunction->None], "[", "c", "]"}], "\[Equal]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x1", " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "x2"}], "+", RowBox[{"n0", "[", "c", "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "-", RowBox[{"x3", " ", RowBox[{"n0a", "[", "c", "]"}]}]}]}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["n1", "\[Prime]", MultilineFunction->None], "[", "c", "]"}], "\[Equal]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x3", " ", RowBox[{"n0a", "[", "c", "]"}]}], "-", RowBox[{"n1", "[", "c", "]"}]}]}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0", "[", "0", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "x5"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0a", "[", "0", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "5"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n1", "[", "0", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "3"}]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[17]="] }, Open ]], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"f", "[", RowBox[{ "cc_", ",", " ", "x1_", ",", " ", "x2_", ",", " ", "x3_", ",", " ", "x5_"}], "]"}], " ", ":=", " ", RowBox[{"Module", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", "sol1", "}"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Print", "[", RowBox[{ "cc", ",", " ", "\"\<, \>\"", ",", " ", "x2", ",", " ", "\"\<, \>\"", ",", " ", "x5"}], "]"}], ";", RowBox[{"sol1", "=", RowBox[{"NDSolve", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["n0", "\[Prime]", MultilineFunction->None], "[", "c", "]"}], "\[Equal]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "x1"}], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "x2"}], "+", RowBox[{"n0", "[", "c", "]"}]}], ")"}]}]}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["n0a", "\[Prime]", MultilineFunction->None], "[", "c", "]"}], "\[Equal]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x1", " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "x2"}], "+", RowBox[{"n0", "[", "c", "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "-", RowBox[{"x3", " ", RowBox[{"n0a", "[", "c", "]"}]}]}]}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["n1", "\[Prime]", MultilineFunction->None], "[", "c", "]"}], "\[Equal]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"x3", " ", RowBox[{"n0a", "[", "c", "]"}]}], "-", RowBox[{"n1", "[", "c", "]"}]}]}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0", "[", "0", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "x5"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0a", "[", "0", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "5"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n1", "[", "0", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "3"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0", "[", "c", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"n0a", "[", "c", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"n1", "[", "c", "]"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"c", ",", " ", "0", ",", " ", "10"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ";", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"First", "[", RowBox[{"Evaluate", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"n0", "[", "c", "]"}], "/.", "sol1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "/.", RowBox[{"c", "\[Rule]", " ", "cc"}]}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}]}]], "Input", CellLabel->"In[18]:="], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"f", "[", RowBox[{ "1", ",", " ", "1", ",", " ", "1", ",", " ", "1", ",", " ", "10"}], "]"}]], "Input", CellLabel->"In[19]:="], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ "1", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\", \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "1", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\", \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "10"}], SequenceForm[ 1, ", ", 1, ", ", 10], Editable->False]], "Print", CellLabel->"From In[19]:="], Cell[BoxData["4.3109149874187755`"], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[19]="] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"NonlinearFit", "[", RowBox[{"data", ",", RowBox[{"f", "[", RowBox[{ "cc", ",", " ", "x1", ",", " ", "x2", ",", " ", "x3", ",", " ", "x5"}], "]"}], ",", " ", "cc", ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"x1", ",", "1.1"}], "}"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"x2", ",", " ", "1.2"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"x3", ",", " ", "0.9"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"x5", ",", "9"}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", CellLabel->"In[21]:="], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ "cc", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\", \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "x2", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\", \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "x5"}], SequenceForm[ cc, ", ", x2, ", ", x5], Editable->False]], "Print", CellLabel->"From In[21]:="], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"NDSolve", "::", "\<\"ndinnt\"\>"}], RowBox[{ ":", " "}], "\<\"Initial condition \\!\\(x5\\) is not a number \ or a rectangular array of numbers. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"More\ \[Ellipsis]\\\", ButtonStyle->\\\"RefGuideLinkText\\\", \ ButtonFrame->None, ButtonData:>\\\"NDSolve::ndinnt\\\"]\\)\"\>"}]], \ "Message", CellLabel->"From In[21]:="], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"ReplaceAll", "::", "\<\"reps\"\>"}], RowBox[{ ":", " "}], "\<\"\\!\\({\\(NDSolve[\\(\\(\[LeftSkeleton] 1 \ \[RightSkeleton]\\)\\)]\\)}\\) is neither a list of replacement rules \ nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing. \ \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"More\[Ellipsis]\\\", \ ButtonStyle->\\\"RefGuideLinkText\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \ ButtonData:>\\\"ReplaceAll::reps\\\"]\\)\"\>"}]], "Message", CellLabel->"From In[21]:="], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"FindFit", "::", "\<\"nlnum\"\>"}], RowBox[{ ":", " "}], "\<\"The function value \ \\!\\({\\(\\(\\(\\(-9.931660812424306`\\)\\) + \\(\\(n0[0.`]\\)\\)\\)\ \\), \\(\\(\\(\\(-9.015163674620991`\\)\\) + \ \\(\\(n0[0.2`]\\)\\)\\)\\), \\(\\(\[LeftSkeleton] 7 \ \[RightSkeleton]\\)\\), \\(\\(\\(\\(-2.2641341584217156`\\)\\) + \ \\(\\(n0[1.8`]\\)\\)\\)\\), \\(\\(\[LeftSkeleton] 41 \[RightSkeleton]\ \\)\\)}\\) is not a list of numbers with dimensions \\!\\({51}\\) at \ \\!\\({x1, x2, x3, x5}\\) = \\!\\({1.1`, 1.2`, 0.9`, 9.`}\\). \ \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"More\[Ellipsis]\\\", \ ButtonStyle->\\\"RefGuideLinkText\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \ ButtonData:>\\\"General::nlnum\\\"]\\)\"\>"}]], "Message", CellLabel->"From In[21]:="], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"NonlinearFit", "::", "\<\"fitfail\"\>"}], RowBox[{ ":", " "}], "\<\"The fitting algorithm failed.\"\>"}]], \ "Message", CellLabel->"From In[21]:="] }, Open ]] }
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Using NDSolve in NonlinearFit
- From: Andrzej Kozlowski <>
- Re: Using NDSolve in NonlinearFit