MathGroup Archive 2004

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Plot3D animation problems.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg46718] Plot3D animation problems.
  • From: "lindseyp" <lindseyp at>
  • Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 19:10:19 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi.  I'm trying to make a small animation of a 3D Sinc function with a phase
element added:

Sinc[0] := 1;
Sinc[0.] := 1;
Sinc[x_] := Sin[x]/x;
sincmovie = Table[
Sincphase[(x x+y y)^(1/2),time] , {x,-20,20}, {y,-20,20}
, PlotPoints->80, PlotRange->{-0.5, 1}, Mesh->False]
{time, 1, 1}];

A single frame using a fixed value for 'time' plots fine, but when I try to
plot the whole table I get:

Plot3D::plnc:  Sincphase[(*)Sqrt(xx+yy), time] is \
neither a machine-size real number at x, y={20,20}
\) nor a list of a real number and a valid color directive."\)

((*)Sqrt substituted for symbol) .  as if the 'time' variable is not being
evaulated. Am I doing something wrong?

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