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Re: Extracting Coefficients and Powers

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg48272] Re: [mg48254] Extracting Coefficients and Powers
  • From: "Bruce W. Colletti" <bcolletti at>
  • Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 04:03:51 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <001601c43dcd$5cb8ee30$6501a8c0@HolyCow>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Thanks for your reply.  I will study your approach to this question.

The group may also like the approach below taken by Bruce Miller (Wolfram
Tech Support).  He was kind enough this morning to look at this pressing
question, and I gathered the key parts of his reply (and made a few cosmetic
changes for my sake) into the following fragment.

p = Expand[(1 + t^-1 + 3t^3)(2 + t + t^-2) + t^7 - t^8];

p = (1.0 Apply[List,p]) /. t->t^1.0; (* establish 1.0 coefficients and 1.0
exponents *)

xconstant = Cases[p, _?NumericQ]; (* at most one constant term *)

L = Cases[p, c_ t^n_ ->{n,c}];

Sort[If[Length[xconstant] > 0, Join[L,{{0,xconstant[[1]]}}], L]]

The expanded "polynomial" is

3 + 1/t^3 + 1 / t^2 + 2/t + 4t + 6t^3 + 3t^4 + t^7 - t^8

The list of {exponent,coefficient} pairs (lo-to-hi degree) is:

{{-3., 1.}, {-2., 1.}, {-1., 2.}, {0, 3.}, {1., 4.}, {3., 6.}, {4., 3.},
1.}, {8., -1.}}


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "DrBob" <drbob at>
To: mathgroup at
<mathgroup at>
Subject: [mg48272] RE: [mg48254] Extracting Coefficients and Powers

> Here's one method:
> expr = 5 - 3/x^5.2 + x^3.2 - x^5;
> rules = {(a_)?(FreeQ[#1, x] & )*(b_:1) :> {a, b}, b_:1 :> {1, b}};
> expr /. Plus -> List
> Transpose[Replace[%, rules, 1]]
> {5, -(3/x^5.2), x^3.2, -x^5}
> {{5, -3, 1, -1}, {1, 1/x^5.2,
>    x^3.2, x^5}}
> If there's no constant term, it requires a little fix-up to get 0 in
> This might do:
> expr = -(3/x^5.2) + x^3.2 - x^5;
> rules =
>    {(a_)?(FreeQ[#1, x] & )*(b_:1) :> {a, b},
>     b_:1 :> {1, b}};
> expr /. Plus -> List
> Transpose[Replace[%, rules, 1]]
> If[MemberQ[Last[%], 1], %, Transpose[Prepend[Transpose[%], {0, 1}]]]
> {-(3/x^5.2), x^3.2, -x^5}
> {{-3, 1, -1}, {1/x^5.2, x^3.2, x^5}}
> {{0, -3, 1, -1}, {1, 1/x^5.2, x^3.2, x^5}}
> DrBob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce W. Colletti [mailto:bcolletti at]
To: mathgroup at
> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 4:21 AM
> To: mathgroup at
> Subject: [mg48272] [mg48254] Extracting Coefficients and Powers
> I have a sum of terms, each of the form "a * x^r" or "a * 1/x^r", where
> a and (positive) r are real numbers (if a is missing, it's presumably 1
> or -1 and if there is no x-term, r is understood to be 0).
> In my application, the complete expression is given by Expand[p], where
> p is a product of terms having form a t^b + c t^d (p is actually a
> factorial moment generating function).
> I want to extract all coefficients into a list (including 1 or -1
> coefficients), and exponents into another (to include 0 for any constant
> term).  For instance,
> x^3.2 + 5 - 3 / x^5.2 - x^5
> yields the coefficients' list {1, 5, -3, -1} and exponents' list {3.2,
> 0, -5.2,5}.
> How would I build these lists?  Must Cases[ ] be used or are there
> built-in functions?
> Thanks.
> Bruce

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