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Re: Re: Re: Courier New Button, selecting cells without brackets

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg51013] Re: [mg50979] Re: [mg50728] Re: Courier New Button, selecting cells without brackets
  • From: DrBob <drbob at>
  • Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 04:49:28 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: drbob at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Very nice!

Your palette replaces the "Copy as InputForm" palette, so I won't have to decide which should get screen space.


On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 04:52:37 -0400 (EDT), Ingolf Dahl <ingolf.dahl at> wrote:

> Thanks for the replies to my questions, but no one seemed to have any font-
> change button available. Yes, Jens-Peer, I could make a Palette that sets
> the font, thanks for that comment. At the moment I was writing the letter I
> just did not see how. I did not see at that special occasion that the
> SetOptions command might be used for this purpose. Did you know that? So now
> I follow my habit to answer my own questions. Maybe someone will find my
> palette useful. It is intended to be used when creating Help files.
> Below is a Mathematica command to create a face-and-font change palette. I
> have there also included the CopyAsInputForm button, published earlier in
> Mathgroup. Due to the structure of Mathematica expressions, the SetOptions
> command does not always manage to change options further down in the tree
> structure representing the expression, so therefore the buttons will not
> work correctly if the expressions are too cluttered. Then it might be
> possible to clean up by using the CopyAsInputForm button, and paste back the
> expression.
> The three font-change buttons change font and slant, but not Bold/Plain or
> Underline.
> To get the palette, execute the command below. Select the resulting cell,
> Use "Generate Palette from Selection" in the File menu. Find your
> $BaseDirectory or $UserBaseDirectory. Create a subdirectory
> Applications\Palettes\FrontEnd\Palettes there. Close the generated palette
> and save it to the file SetFaceAndFont.nb. Then this palette will be
> available beneath "Palettes" in the File menu the next time you start
> Mathematica.
> You might also download the palette directly from
> Save it in
> the way described above.
> Suggestions to improve this palettes are welcome.
> Have Fun!
> Ingolf Dahl
> Sweden
> Mathematica code follows:
> NotebookWrite[InputNotebook[],
>   Cell[BoxData[{ButtonBox[RowBox[{"Copy", " ", "As", " ", "InputForm"}],
>           ButtonFunction :>
>             Module[{cpy, cpynb, evalnb},
>               CompoundExpression[Set[cpy, NotebookRead[InputNotebook[]]],
>                 If[SameQ[cpy, {}], Return[]],
>                 Set[cpynb, NotebookCreate[Visible -> False]],
>                 NotebookWrite[cpynb, cpy],
>                 SelectionMove[cpynb, All, Notebook],
>                 FrontEndExecute[{FrontEndToken[cpynb, "SelectionConvert",
>                       "InputForm"]}],
>                 Set[evalnb,
>                   NotebookPut[
>                     Notebook[
>                       Map[Cell[#, "Input"] &, {BoxData[
>                             RowBox[{"cpynb", "=", ToBoxes[cpynb]}]],
>                           "FrontEndExecute[{FrontEndToken[cpynb, \
> \"CopySpecial\",\"PlainText\"]}]", "NotebookClose[cpynb]",
>                           "NotebookClose[EvaluationNotebook[]]"}],
>                       Visible -> False]]],
>                 SelectionMove[evalnb, All, Notebook],
>                 SelectionEvaluate[evalnb], Null]],
>           ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, Active -> True], "\n",
>         RowBox[{StyleBox[
>               ButtonBox["Plain",
>                 ButtonFunction :>
>                   SetOptions[NotebookSelection[InputNotebook[]],
>                     FontSlant -> "Plain", FontWeight -> "Plain",
>                     FontVariations -> {"Underline" -> False}],
>                 ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, Active -> True],
>               FontFamily -> "Courier", FontSlant -> "Plain"],
>             StyleBox[
>               ButtonBox["Bold",
>                 ButtonFunction :>
>                   SetOptions[NotebookSelection[InputNotebook[]],
>                     FontWeight -> "Bold", Null], ButtonEvaluator ->
> Automatic,
>                  Active -> True], FontWeight -> "Bold"],
>             StyleBox[
>               ButtonBox["Italic",
>                 ButtonFunction :>
>                   SetOptions[NotebookSelection[InputNotebook[]],
>                     FontSlant -> "Italic"], ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic,
>                 Active -> True], FontFamily -> "Courier",
>               FontSlant -> "Italic"],
>             StyleBox[
>               ButtonBox["Underline",
>                 ButtonFunction :>
>                   SetOptions[NotebookSelection[InputNotebook[]],
>                     FontVariations -> {"Underline" -> True}],
>                 ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, Active -> True],
>               FontFamily -> "Courier",
>               FontVariations -> {"Underline" -> True}]}], "\n",
>         RowBox[{ButtonBox[RowBox[{"Courier", " ", "Plain"}],
>               ButtonFunction :>
>                 SetOptions[NotebookSelection[InputNotebook[]],
>                   FontSlant -> "Plain", FontFamily -> "Courier"],
>               ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, Active -> True],
>             StyleBox[
>               ButtonBox[RowBox[{"Times", " ", "Plain"}],
>                 ButtonFunction :>
>                   SetOptions[NotebookSelection[InputNotebook[]],
>                     FontSlant -> "Plain", FontFamily -> "Times"],
>                 ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, Active -> True],
>               FontFamily -> "Times",
>               FontVariations -> {"CompatibilityType" -> 0}],
>             StyleBox[
>               ButtonBox[RowBox[{"Times", " ", "Italic"}],
>                 ButtonFunction :>
>                   SetOptions[NotebookSelection[InputNotebook[]],
>                     FontSlant -> "Italic", FontFamily -> "Times"],
>                 ButtonEvaluator -> Automatic, Active -> True],
>               FontFamily -> "Times", FontSlant -> "Italic"]}]}],
>     NotebookDefault, PageBreakAbove -> True, FontFamily -> "Courier",
>     FontSlant -> "Plain"]]
> End of Mathematica code
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jens-Peer Kuska [mailto:kuska at]
To: mathgroup at
> To: mathgroup at
>> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 11:48
>> To: mathgroup at
>> Subject: [mg51013] [mg50979] [mg50728] Re: Courier New Button, selecting cells without
>> brackets
>> Hi,
>> you can make a Mathematica palette that set the fonts.
>> The HelpBrowser has a ScreenStyle environment to suppress
>> the cell-brackets and you should simply switch to this
>> environment.
>> Regards
>>  Jens
>> Berit Dahl wrote:
>>> I am trying to write some Help pages, and there I need to be
>> able to change
>>> some words to the font "Courier New" (Regular) or to "Times New Roman"
>>> (Italic). Now I use "Choose Font" under Format, but since I have
>> many fonts
>>> installed, it is a bit cumbersome. Is there any key sequence
>> available, or
>>> has anyone a convenient button for these tasks?
>>> Another question: In the help files, often there are no cell
>> brackets. How
>>> can I choose a whole cell without cell brackets? I can choose "Show
>>> Expression" beneath Format, and edit the style, but there should be some
>>> simpler way.
>>> Ingolf Dahl
>>> Sweden

DrBob at

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